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DWScript / StaticArrays

  1. DWScript Static Arrays

Static Arrays

See also [DynamicArrays dynamic arrays].

Static arrays are supported as value types, they have a fixed size with user-specified bounds:

type TZeroToTen = array [0..10] of Integer;
type TTenToTwenty = array [10..20] of String;

Multi-dimensional arrays are supported, with two forms:

type TCompactForm = array [1..3, 1..5] of Float;
type TVerboseForm = array [1..3] of array [1..5] of Float;

They support the special functions/methods *Low*, *High*, *Length* and *Count*. You can use them as either functions (legacy) or methods _Low(array)_ and _array.Low_ are equivalent.

You can use the *in* and *not in* operators to test the presence of an element in a static array.

Constant static arrays can be defined using square brackets [ ]:

const a : array [0..2] of String = ['zero', 'one', 'two'];

and they can also be defined inline for assignments to static or dynamic arrays:

var staticArray : array [0..2] of String;
var dynamicArray : array of String;
staticArray := ['zero', 'one', 'two'];
dynamicArray := ['one', 'two'];
