
Clone wiki

DWScript / WSDWScriptOptions

DWS WebServer DWScript options

DWScript options

  • TimeoutMSec
    Script timeout in milliseconds for pages, 3000 ms by default.
    Zero is understood as unlimited, this is not recommended as a script entering an infinite loop would then stay there forever.
  • WorkerTimeoutMSec
    Script timeout in milliseconds for workers, startup & shutdown, 30000 ms by default.
    Zero is understood as unlimited, this is not recommended as a script entering an infinite loop would then stay there forever.
  • StackChunkSize
    Size of stack growth chunks, 300 by default.
    Higher values will result in more memory being allocated at once, which will be beneficial for scripts that use a lot of memory.
    Lower values will result in less memory allocated at once, which will be beneficial for simple scripts and will also help keep server memory usage low.
  • StackMaxSize
    Maximum stack size per script, 10000 by default.
  • MaxRecursionDepth
    Maximum recursion depth per script, 512 by default.
  • LibraryPaths
    Library paths, an array of strings. None by default.
    Library paths can be outside of the www root.
  • PatternOpen, PatternEval, PatternClose
    Allows adjusting HTMLFilter patterns, by default these are "<?pas", "=" and "?>" respectively.
  • Startup, Shutdown
    Define the name of the startup script (executed at server startup before any other script) and shutdown (executed at server shutdown); But default those are "%www%\.startup.pas" and "%www%\.shutdown.pas" respectively.
  • JIT
    Boolean that specifies wether JIT compilation is active or not, false by default.
  • COM
    Boolean that specifies whether or not COM is accessible in scripts. Note that this breaks sandboxing.
