adding/importing updated Cruise Questionnaire to already created cruise

Issue #11 resolved
Brett Hembrough created an issue

I'm wondering if there is a way to import an updated version of the Cruise Planning Questionnaire...into a previously created cruise that was using the "default" questionnaire. If this is not possible then it seems the questionnaire must be finalized prior to creating any new cruises. Meaning the only way to get the previously created cruise to use the new questionnaire is to delete it...then re-create it, at which point it will bring in the new questionnaire? From my testing I think this is the current situation.

HLY18TA default questionnaire with previously created cruise

HLY18TB newly created cruise with updated questionaire

In the 2nd example the two custom sections I created (General Info and Scheduling Info) are available.

I attached the back-up file of the updated questionnaire.

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