ability to delete user accounts by ship admins

Issue #15 resolved
Brett Hembrough created an issue

I created a test user acct using a personal email (sailoratsea@me.com) and would like to be able to completely remove this registration from the Cruise Planning Tool. I can also see this being useful if a science party member pulls out from a cruise and does not have any other UNOLS cruises.

Within the Science Party list I am also unable to remove the user from the list. Each time I click "Remove" it seems to confirm at the top of the page in a green bar saying "User Removed". However, anytime I refresh the page they are still listed.

Comments (1)

  1. Erich Gruebel repo owner

    Ship administrators can delete user accounts..IF...those user accounts are not associated with any cruises or ships. You found a bug and it's fixed.

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