ability to edit and reset Cruise Questionnaire without losing progress

Issue #23 new
Brett Hembrough created an issue

As it appears now. (correct me if I am wrong) If the current questionnaire is partially [or fully] completed there is no way to modify the questionnaire without loosing all previous input. Is there a way to keep the current information and add a new section or edit the wording of a question. So far each time I have "Reset the Questionnaire" it results in a blank slate.

I can foresee times when a a ship realizes their Cruise Questionnaire may need updating (ie new equipment installed)....but there may be multiple questionnaires in progress. I wouldn't want to reset the questionnaire and get the Chief Scientists upset if they loose their work.

I understand if this may not be a feasible request.

Thanks, Brett Hembrough - USCGC Healy bhembrough@ucsd.edu