ability to remove user from a cruise or change their user role.

Issue #38 resolved
Brett Hembrough created an issue

I was trying to modify a user from a Cruise Admin to a Cruise User and was not able to complete this task. On the Ship Admin > User Management I was able to search for and find the user...then click on Account Settings. I can see which cruises the user has been added to. However, all I can do is change the email account, I cannot change the roles.

Problem: I am not able to remove from a cruise....or modify from Admin to User roles.
Fix: allow Ship Admins to remove modify Cruise user roles.

edit user account:role email redacted.png

Comments (2)

  1. Erich Gruebel repo owner

    Under the cruise if you click on the "Other" tab and then click on "Planner Activity" you should be able to do these things.

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