Unescaped left brace in regex is deprecated here

Issue #2229 wontfix
Miguel Zilhão created an issue

When compiling the latest stable release with perl 5, version 28, on arch linux I see a bunch of warnings like the following:

(...) Unescaped left brace in regex is deprecated here (and will be fatal in Perl 5.32), passed through in regex; marked by <-- HERE in m/({ <-- HERE )/ at /home/mzilhao/dev/ET/Cactus/lib/sbin/c_file_processor.pl line 58.

COMPILING configs/ET_all/bindings/build/ShiftedKerrSchild/cctk_ThornBindings.c Creating /home/mzilhao/dev/ET/Cactus/configs/ET_all/lib/libthorn_ShiftedKerrSchild.a Unescaped left brace in regex is deprecated here (and will be fatal in Perl 5.32), passed through in regex; marked by <-- HERE in m/({ <-- HERE )/ at /home/mzilhao/dev/ET/Cactus/lib/sbin/c_file_processor.pl line 58. (...)

Comments (3)

  1. Roland Haas

    Hello Miguel,

    this was fixed in git hash c7bc16ceb68554e9165d83fe556efb3bb533b24c "Cactus: protect { in regular expressions" of the flesh in the mater branch (there is no ticket or pull request for it that I could find though).

    This can be backported into the current release branch if you think we should do so (the next release is due end of March though so not very far in the future). I am not sure when Perl 5.32 will be available.

    Yours, Roland

  2. Miguel Zilhão reporter

    ah, perfect! thanks for letting me know. yes, i don't think a backport is needed...

    thanks, Miguel

  3. Roland Haas

    Will not backport fix to ET Wu (2018_09) release since it is already included in master which will be 2019_02.

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