Cactus documentation no longer accessible

Issue #2261 closed
Roland Haas created an issue

Currently (as of 2019-06-10) the online HTML copies of the UserGuide and ThornGuide are not accessible. This is due to the tarballs being generated by Jenkins and Jenkins now requiring a password to access any of its pages.

A fix may be to remove the password restriction for the (single) URL that holds the tarball.

Currently this needs to be done by either Ian or Roland once access to the VM has been sorted out.

Comments (4)

  1. Roland Haas reporter
    • edited description

    Currently (as of 2019-06-10) the online HTML copies of the UserGuide and ThornGuide are not accessible. This is due to the tarballs being generated by Jenkins and Jenkins now requiring a password to access any of its pages.

    I fix may be to remove the password restriction for the (single) URL that holds the tarball.

    Currently this needs to be done by either Ian or Roland once access to the VM has been sorted out.

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