WaveToyFOO examples do not call SYNC when selecting boundaries

Issue #2277 resolved
Roland Haas created an issue

The current set of WaveToy examples in CactusWave do no have a SYNC statement in their schedule.ccl in when scheduling the Boundaries routines. This can cause problems with b/c that expect ghost zones to be valid.

Pull request https://bitbucket.org/cactuscode/cactuswave/pull-requests/1/wavetoyc-sync-when-selecting-bcs-run-bcs/diff adds the SYNC call to WaveToyC and a similar change should be made to all WaveToy examples.

Comments (5)

  1. Roland Haas reporter

    Applied as git hash 09d11b0 "WaveToyC: SYNC when selecting BCs, run BCs more often" of cactuswave
    Applied as git hash 1b8317a "WaveToyCXX: SYNC when selecting BCs, run BCs more often" of cactuswave
    Applied as git hash 0ab5c03 "WaveToyF77: SYNC when selecting BCs, run BCs more often" of cactuswave
    Applied as git hash b8a67d4 "WaveToyF90: SYNC when selecting BCs, run BCs more often" of cactuswave

    Applied as git hash 63f958b "IOHDF5: update checkpoint file after WaveToyC SYNC update" of cactuspughio
    Applied as git hash efd76bb3 "CarpetIOHDF5: regenerate checkpoint files" of carpet

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