READS / WRITES requires comma in between list of variables, while other options eg SYNC OPTIONS do not

Issue #2356 resolved
Roland Haas created an issue

The schedule parser fails to parse this fragment:

SCHEDULE TestReadWrite_TestC AT initial AFTER TestReadWrite_TestC_B
  WrITES: varpastlevelc, grouppastlevelc
  ReADs: Var1, Var1_p
  READs: var2
  READs: testgroup_pp
  WrITES: VarCurrentLevelC GroupCurrentLevelC

} "Record results in grid scalars"


Parse Error at /home/rhaas/postdoc/gr/cactus/ET_trunk/repos/flesh/lib/sbin/ line 966.
        main::parse_ccl(Grammar=HASH(0x557d3f77fcd0), "sched", "/home/rhaas/postdoc/gr/cactus/ET_trunk/arrangements/CactusTes"..., "/home/rhaas/postdoc/gr/cactus/ET_trunk/repos/flesh/lib/sbin/."...) called at /home/rhaas/postdoc/gr/cactus/ET_trunk/repos/flesh/lib/sbin/ line 95
        main::create_schedule_database("Cactus", "/home/rhaas/postdoc/gr/cactus/ET_trunk/src", "TestReadWrite", "/home/rhaas/postdoc/gr/cactus/ET_trunk/arrangements/CactusTes"...) called at /home/rhaas/postdoc/gr/cactus/ET_trunk/lib/sbin/CST line 168
CST ERROR IN FILE '/home/rhaas/postdoc/gr/cactus/ET_trunk/arrangements/CactusTest/TestReadWrite/schedule.ccl' make[1]: *** No rule to make target '/home/rhaas/postdoc/gr/cactus/ET_trunk/configs/testrdwr/config-data/make.thornlist', needed by '/home/rhaas/postdoc/gr/cactus/ET_trunk/exe/cactus_testrdwr'.  Stop.

but parses

SCHEDULE TestReadWrite_TestC AT initial AFTER TestReadWrite_TestC_B
  WrITES: varpastlevelc, grouppastlevelc
  ReADs: Var1, Var1_p
  READs: var2
  READs: testgroup_pp
  WrITES: VarCurrentLevelC, GroupCurrentLevelC

} "Record results in grid scalars"

which has comma in the last WRITES. This behaviour differs from eg the SYNC statement's which accepts both comma and spaces. See eg arrangements/CactusTest/TestArrays/schedule.ccl which contains:

sync: bar_a_4d bar_b_4d bar_c_4d bar_d_4d bar_e_4d bar_f_4d

and arrangements/Zelmani/GRHydro_InitData/schedule.ccl which contains

SYNC: GRHydro::dens, GRHydro::tau, GRHydro::scon, GRHydro::Bcons

The documentation gives the syntax of a schedule block as

 schedule [GROUP] <function name|group name> AT|IN <time> \
     [AS <alias>] \
     [WHILE <variable>] [IF <variable>] \
     [BEFORE|AFTER <function name>|(<function name> <function name> ...)] \
  [LANG: <language>]
  [OPTIONS:       <option>,<option>...]
  [TAGS:          <keyword=value>,<keyword=value>...]
  [STORAGE:       <group>[timelevels],<group>[timelevels]...]
  [READS:         <group>,<group>...]
  [WRITES:        <group>,<group>...]
  [TRIGGER:       <group>,<group>...]
  [SYNCHRONISE:   <group>,<group>...]
  [OPTIONS:       <option>,<option>...]
} "Description of function" 

which one could argue would require the comma. However, not having a comma is currently in use by thorns and the same list syntax is used for SYNC and for OPTIONS. For OPTIONS spaces were always used to separate individual options eg in arrangements/CactusNumerical/SphericalSurface/schedule.ccl:

 OPTIONS: global loop-local

thus in order for READS / WRITES to behave similar to the other statements in a schedule block they should accept both comma and spaces to separate variables and groups.

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