Wrong scheduling in MoL when using adaptive_stepsize = yes

Issue #2370 resolved
V M created an issue

The functions used in adaptive stepsizing are scheduled in the wrong place, leading to segmentation faults when trying to use one of the RK methods that support adaptive stepsizes (RK45, RK45CP, RK65, and RK87) with adaptive stepsizing.

This can be fixed by changing the scheduling from:

schedule MoL_InitAdaptiveError IN MoL_Evolution AFTER MoL_PostStep


schedule MoL_InitAdaptiveError IN MoL_Evolution AFTER MoL_Step

Comments (5)

  1. Roland Haas

    The TestMoL thorn tries to test adaptive stepsize methods but does not enable “MoL::adaptive_stepsize” which means the bug was not caught.

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