remove non piraha parser from Flesh

Issue #2531 resolved
Roland Haas created an issue

Similarly to #2452 In the Turing release announcements: we are deprecating the non-Piraha parser which increasingly no longer parses all existing parfiles (eg the non-piraha parfile parser does not handle $foo = 42 types of variable assignments).

It should thus be removed from the code.

Comments (18)

  1. William Gabella

    Took this ticket for the Hack-a-thon, 2 Feb 2022. Removing all the local routines, etc, related to the “old way” of parsing the file, and of course keeping the “new way,” with cctk_PirahaParser() function. This is in Cactus/repos/flesh/src/util/ParseFile.c , as Roland mentions above.

    Re-compiling with (from the Cactus folder)

    ./simfactory/bin/sim build -j2 --thornlist ../

    and watching for the “COMPILING … ParseFile.c” to go by.

    And running HelloWorld first, as

    ./simfactory/bin/sim create-run helloworld \
        --parfile arrangements/CactusExamples/HelloWorld/par/HelloWorld.par

    If that is not broke, then finally the testsuite with

    make sim-testsuite

    Format for the teststuite is “make <config name>-testsuite. It gave a set of defaults and I chose them all; testing exe/cactus_sim .

  2. William Gabella

    Roland points out the next level is to look for functions in the deleted parts of ParseFile.c that are called from external sources and are ONLY used in the old part of ParseFile.c.

  3. William Gabella

    Passed all tests in make sim-testsuite:

     Summary for configuration sim
        Time                     -> Wed Feb  2 05:47:18 PM CST 2022
        Host                     -> fedora
        Processes                -> 2
        User                     -> gabella
        Total available tests    -> 346
        Unrunnable tests         -> 14
        Runnable tests           -> 332
        Total number of thorns   -> 258
        Number of tested thorns  -> 99
        Number of tests passed   -> 332
        Number passed only to
                   set tolerance -> 195
        Number failed            -> 0

  4. William Gabella

    Created the gabella/piraha branch via BitBucket, re-installed the master on my laptop, checked out the gabella/piraha branch putting in the edited ParseFile.c ---with the removed non-Piraha code---into the directory Cactus/repos/flesh/src/util . For the git push, required I set the upstream
    git push --set-upstream origin gabella/piraha
    and logged in with username and password, despite having SSH keys set. Also saw a warning about username logins being disabled and app passwords being necessary, oh, for HTTPS logins. Should have used the SSH address for the repos.

  5. William Gabella

    Also re-compiled and ran the testsuites
    make sim-testsuite
    the first time running it was very slow and essentially stopped making much progress at GiRaFFE_tests_ThreeWave (from GiRaFFE), I think. Stopped and re-ran and that went smoothly. The results are

    Summary for configuration sim
        Time                     -> Thu Feb 17 06:38:31 PM CST 2022
        Host                     -> fedora
        Processes                -> 2
        User                     -> gabella
        Total available tests    -> 346
        Unrunnable tests         -> 14
        Runnable tests           -> 332
        Total number of thorns   -> 258
        Number of tested thorns  -> 99
        Number of tests passed   -> 330
        Number passed only to
                   set tolerance -> 193
        Number failed            -> 2
      Tests passed:
        tov (from ADMMass)
        tov_carpet (from ADMMass)
        teukolskyParity (from WeylScal4)
        magnetized_explosionTOV (from particle_tracerET)
        magnetized_explosionTOV (from smallbPoynET)
      Tests failed:
        Kerr-Cartoon (from AHFinderDirect)
        Kerr-Cartoon-EE (from AHFinderDirect)

    Curiously the previous tests had no failures, 2 Feb 2022, posted above. The reports are

    AHFinderDirect: Kerr-Cartoon
    Failure: Cactus exited with error code 1.
    AHFinderDirect: Kerr-Cartoon-EE
    Failure: Cactus exited with error code 17.

  6. Roland Haas reporter

    I will be busy with proposal this weekend. Will try to review next week. Not sure what would make the AHFinderDirect tests fail. You can find the actual log output in TEST/sim/AHFinderDirect/Kerr-Cartoon.log (or so) which may, or may not, contain useful information.

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