Add four more parameters for carpet

Issue #2601 resolved
Liwei Ji created an issue

Hi all,

we have added four more parameters to carpet:

  1. uniformly_split_interior_points_x
  2. uniformly_split_interior_points_y
  3. uniformly_split_interior_points_z
  4. symmetrically_distribute_points_y

The first three parameters are used to distribute the grid points across processors uniformly according to interior points only.

The fourth parameter is used to distribute the (even number of) grid points across (even number of) processors with the first and second half being translational symmetric to each other in y-dir, when the grid points are not divisible by the number of processors in y-dir.

Attached please find the diff with the master branch. Thanks!

Comments (16)

  1. Roland Haas

    Please create a pull request.

    Why only add these 4 parameters and not parameter for all xyz and uniform / symmetric combinations?

  2. Roland Haas

    So I have trouble coming up with a test parfile that passes. This one:

    ActiveThorns = "
    $ghost_size = 1
    $boundary_size = 1
    $num_levels = 1
    IOASCII::out1D_vars = "
    IO::out_dir       = $parfile
    IO::out_fileinfo  = "none"
    IO::parfile_write = no
    IOASCII::out1D_every = 1
    IOASCII::out1D_d     = no
    IOASCII::out1D_y     = no
    IOASCII::out1D_z     = no
    Carpet::max_refinement_levels    = 2
    Carpet::use_buffer_zones         = yes
    Carpet::prolongation_order_space =  1
    Carpet::prolongation_order_time  =  1
    Carpet::init_fill_timelevels = yes
    CartGrid3D::type         = "CoordBase"
    CartGrid3D::domain       = "full"
    CartGrid3D::avoid_origin = no
    CoordBase::xmin = -1.
    CoordBase::xmax = +1 - 0.125
    CoordBase::ymin = -0.125
    CoordBase::ymax = +0.125
    CoordBase::zmin = -0.125
    CoordBase::zmax = +0.125
    CoordBase::dx   =  0.125
    CoordBase::dy   =  0.125
    CoordBase::dz   =  0.125
    driver::ghost_size  = $ghost_size
    Cactus::cctk_itlast = 0
    Carpet::domain_from_CoordBase = yes
    Carpet::split_interior_points_x = yes
    Carpet::processor_topology = "manual"
    Carpet::processor_topology_3d_x = 4
    Carpet::processor_topology_3d_y = 1
    Carpet::processor_topology_3d_z = 1
    CoordBase::boundary_size_x_lower = $boundary_size
    CoordBase::boundary_size_y_lower = $boundary_size
    CoordBase::boundary_size_z_lower = $boundary_size
    CoordBase::boundary_size_x_upper = $boundary_size
    CoordBase::boundary_size_y_upper = $boundary_size
    CoordBase::boundary_size_z_upper = $boundary_size
    CarpetRegrid2::regrid_every   = 0
    CarpetRegrid2::verbose        = yes
    CarpetRegrid2::num_centres  = 1
    CarpetRegrid2::num_levels_1 = $num_levels
    CarpetRegrid2::position_x_1 = 0.0
    CarpetRegrid2::radius_1[1]  = 0.2

    fails with assert failures on cub (essentially). Namely (adding some debug code):

    ipos [0,0,0] nprocs_dir [4,1,1] cub [9,6,6] rub0 [32,6,6]
    ipos [1,0,0] nprocs_dir [4,1,1] cub [17,6,6] rub0 [32,6,6]
    ipos [2,0,0] nprocs_dir [4,1,1] cub [23,6,6] rub0 [32,6,6]
    ipos [3,0,0] nprocs_dir [4,1,1] cub [30,6,6] rub0 [32,6,6]
    cactus_sim: /home/rhaas/postdoc/gr/cactus/ET_trunk/arrangements/Carpet/Carpet/src/ void Carpet::SplitRegions_AsSpecified(const cGH*, std::vector<CarpetLib::region_t>&, std::vector<CarpetLib::region_t>&): Assertion `all(not(ipos == nprocs_dir - 1) or cub == rub0)' failed.

    when run on the minimum number of MPI ranks (4) that is supports.

    Could you provide a working parfile as a testcase?

  3. Liwei Ji reporter

    Hi @Roland Haas , here is a test case

    ActiveThorns = "
            # CarpetRegrid2
    $ghost_size = 1
    $boundary_size = 1
    $num_levels = 1
    IOASCII::out1D_vars = "
    IO::out_dir       = $parfile
    IO::out_fileinfo  = "none"
    IO::parfile_write = no
    IOASCII::out1D_every = 1
    IOASCII::out1D_d     = no
    IOASCII::out1D_y     = no
    IOASCII::out1D_z     = no
    Carpet::max_refinement_levels    = 1
    Carpet::use_buffer_zones         = yes
    Carpet::prolongation_order_space =  1
    Carpet::prolongation_order_time  =  1
    Carpet::init_fill_timelevels = yes
    CartGrid3D::type         = "CoordBase"
    CartGrid3D::domain       = "full"
    CartGrid3D::avoid_origin = no
    CoordBase::xmin = -1.
    CoordBase::xmax = +1 - 0.125
    CoordBase::ymin = -0.125
    CoordBase::ymax = +0.125
    CoordBase::zmin = -0.125
    CoordBase::zmax = +0.125
    CoordBase::dx   =  0.125
    CoordBase::dy   =  0.125
    CoordBase::dz   =  0.125
    driver::ghost_size  = $ghost_size
    Cactus::cctk_itlast = 0
    Carpet::domain_from_CoordBase = yes
    #Carpet::split_interior_points_x = yes
    Carpet::processor_topology = "manual"
    Carpet::processor_topology_3d_x = 4
    Carpet::processor_topology_3d_y = 1
    Carpet::processor_topology_3d_z = 1
    CoordBase::boundary_size_x_lower = $boundary_size
    CoordBase::boundary_size_y_lower = $boundary_size
    CoordBase::boundary_size_z_lower = $boundary_size
    CoordBase::boundary_size_x_upper = $boundary_size
    CoordBase::boundary_size_y_upper = $boundary_size
    CoordBase::boundary_size_z_upper = $boundary_size
    CoordBase::boundary_shiftout_x_lower  = 1
    CoordBase::boundary_shiftout_x_upper  = 1
    #CoordBase::boundary_shiftout_y_lower  = 1
    #CoordBase::boundary_shiftout_y_upper  = 1
    #CoordBase::boundary_shiftout_z_lower  = 1
    #CoordBase::boundary_shiftout_z_upper  = 1
    #CarpetRegrid2::regrid_every   = 0
    #CarpetRegrid2::verbose        = yes
    #CarpetRegrid2::num_centres  = 1
    #CarpetRegrid2::num_levels_1 = $num_levels
    #CarpetRegrid2::position_x_1 = 0.0
    #CarpetRegrid2::radius_1[1]  = 0.2

    I made the following changes:

    1. remove CarpetRegrid2, it seems that the new pars are not consistent with it,
    2. set Carpet::max_refinement_levels = 1 the new pars only can work with no refinement case for now,
    3. add CoordBase::boundary_shiftout_x_lower = 1 and CoordBase::boundary_shiftout_x_upper = 1, for some reason only when I turn on these. The boundary ghost points are counted as global points. And these option are on in SphericalNR.

    After these changes, when Carpet::split_interior_points_x = yes, I got

    ipos = [0,0,0], nprocs_dir = [4,1,1], cub = [5,3,3], rub0 = [18,3,3]
    ipos = [1,0,0], nprocs_dir = [4,1,1], cub = [9,3,3], rub0 = [18,3,3]
    ipos = [2,0,0], nprocs_dir = [4,1,1], cub = [13,3,3], rub0 = [18,3,3]
    ipos = [3,0,0], nprocs_dir = [4,1,1], cub = [18,3,3], rub0 = [18,3,3]

    when Carpet::split_interior_points_x = no, I got

    ipos = [0,0,0], nprocs_dir = [4,1,1], cub = [5,3,3], rub0 = [18,3,3]
    ipos = [1,0,0], nprocs_dir = [4,1,1], cub = [10,3,3], rub0 = [18,3,3]
    ipos = [2,0,0], nprocs_dir = [4,1,1], cub = [14,3,3], rub0 = [18,3,3]
    ipos = [3,0,0], nprocs_dir = [4,1,1], cub = [18,3,3], rub0 = [18,3,3]

    basally, the distribution of (clb, cub) change in x change from [(0,5), (5,9), (9,13), (13,18)] to [(0,5), (5,10), (10,14), (14,18)]

  4. Roland Haas

    Thank you. I think with those things should be good to go. With the addition of adding this parfile as a test case to Carpet. Shiftout is ok since without the shiftout the first boundary point is exactly on the boundary (eg at -1.0) and there are not boundary_size points outside of the nominal domain (but boundary_size - 1). This is actually intentional since it helps with convergence to have the boundary point stay fixed.

    Weren’t there plans at one point for SphericalNR to support / use mesh refinement on top of the spherical coordinates? In that case one would have to update this code it would seem.

  5. Liwei Ji reporter

    Hi Roland, thanks. I will add the above test par to Carpet/test.

    We are thinking about add support of mesh refinement to SphericalNR at some point. But not relatively soon. When that happens, we will update this part to make it also works with mesh refinement. Thanks for pointing it out.

    In order to get the size of boundary points, I have tried with the par granularity_boundary. It is always 0, even thought in the test par, we have set CoordBase::boundary_size_x_lower = $boundary_size. Should we set granularity_boundary explicitly in the par file or use ghost_width[i] instead for the moment?

  6. Liwei Ji reporter

    Hi Roland. I have update the pull request according to the discussion we had before. Could you please take a look again? thanks

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