conflicting barriers in CarpetLib

Issue #2717 new
Roland Haas created an issue

To debug some Cactus issues on the Delta cluster I am running simulations using:

CarpetLib::barriers = "yes"
CarpetLib::barrier_between_stages = "yes"
Carpet::barriers = "yes"
Carpet::schedule_barriers = "yes"
Carpet::sync_barriers = "yes"

which results in failure:

WARNING level 0 from host process 47
  while executing schedule bin CCTK_RECOVER_VARIABLES, routine IOUtil::IOUtil_RecoverGH
  in thorn CarpetLib, file /scratch/rhaas/Cactus/arrangements/Carpet/CarpetLib/src/
  -> Wrong id for Barrier "CarpetLib::gdata::gdata": expected 783988953d, found 404924393d
exec: /scratch/rhaas/Cactus/arrangements/Carpet/Carpet/src/ int Carpet::Abort(const _cGH
*, int): Assertion `0' failed.

I expect this will be avoidable if I reduce the number of barriers used, so is not a major issue.

The two barriers involved (based on their tags) are the one in the gdata::gdata constructor and commstate::step “CarpetLib::comm_state::step”.

Comments (1)

  1. Erik Schnetter

    This might be an actual bug in Carpet. Or it might be that these barriers haven’t been tested in a long time, and don’t conform to Carpet’s communication algorithms any more.

    I would be careful activating these barriers, they might just be incorrect these days.

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