no documentation for Lean codes

Issue #2726 resolved
Roland Haas created an issue

Neither LeanBSSNMoL nor NPScalars have a documentation file. The arrangement they are in (Lean) also has none.

A documentation file should (must) be present for all thorns in the ET. It also serves to advertise the thorns presense via the documentation web-page: which will not list it if it has no documentation.

Comments (7)

  1. Roland Haas reporter

    @helvi witek @Miguel Zilhão you are both listed as Lean maintainers in the README file, and I have assigned the ticket to the first one listed. If you would like to change that assignment you should be able to do so via the “Edit” button of the ticket.

  2. Miguel Zilhão

    I’ve assigned this one to me since I’m also assigned to the documentation ticket in the scalar thorn. I’ll try to take care of both issues during this month.

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