make ADIOS2 compile on macOS

Issue #2770 resolved
Roland Haas created an issue

macOS's malloc include file uses a variable named type_id which conflicts with the #define type_id used by ADIOS2

Comments (7)

  1. Roland Haas reporter

    This is fixed in ADIOS 2.9.2 so will not need to be fixed in master anymore. 

    This should be backported to the release though.
    So there’s two options:

    1. apply the patch here to the release version (2023_11) only
    2. bump the release’s included tar file to 2.9.2 which fixes the issue but brings in other changes as well

    In SGRID #2771 I applied the patch to the release even after master received a fix to the tar file (deeming the changes in the tar file to be more extensive than a minimal fix desired for the backport). By the same argument one would apply the patch here, but the patch here is less “nice” and changes files that I doubt are actually used on macOS (being in directories named “windows”).


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