Upgrade IllinoisGRMHD to use GRHayL

Issue #2777 resolved
Samuel Cupp created an issue

This major overhaul of the IllinoisGRMHD thorn uses GRHayL to implement its original features. In addition, it introduces entropy evolution, tabulated equation of state, and piecewise polytrope support. All con2prim routines provided by GRHayL are also automatically supported by the thorn, with control of this behavior governed by the GRHayLib thorn.

Comments (13)

  1. Samuel Cupp reporter

    There is no PR for this, as it involves two different repos. Please compare wvuthorns/IllinoisGRMHD and GRHayLET/IllinoisGRMHD. Connected to this are the deprecation of ID_converter_ILGRMHD and Convert_to_HydroBase and change to the manifest thornlist.

  2. Samuel Cupp reporter

    Backward compatibility is present, though it requires several extra grid functions that will be deleted in the following release.

  3. Roland Haas

    Fails to build:

    CST error in /home/runner/work/tests/tests/master/lib/sbin/CST (at 319)
      -> Missing thorn GRHayLET/IllinoisGRMHD
    CST error in /home/runner/work/tests/tests/master/flesh/lib/sbin/interface_parser.pl (at 665)
      -> Convert_to_HydroBase (thorn Convert_to_HydroBase) inherits from ILLINOISGRMHD
         No thorn in your current ThornList implements ILLINOISGRMHD
         Either remove Convert_to_HydroBase, or add a thorn to your
          ThornList implementing ILLINOISGRMHD
         Available thorns in arrangements directory implementing ILLINOISGRMHD:
    CST error in /home/runner/work/tests/tests/master/flesh/lib/sbin/interface_parser.pl (at 665)
      -> ID_converter_ILGRMHD (thorn ID_converter_ILGRMHD) inherits from ILLINOISGRMHD
         No thorn in your current ThornList implements ILLINOISGRMHD
         Either remove ID_converter_ILGRMHD, or add a thorn to your
          ThornList implementing ILLINOISGRMHD
         Available thorns in arrangements directory implementing ILLINOISGRMHD:

    See https://github.com/EinsteinToolkit/tests/actions/runs/8350505981/job/22857067554

    please fix (soon).

  4. Lorenzo Ennoggi

    I reviewed the changes to IllinoisGRMHD for the upcoming ET release and everything looks good to me.

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