Citation suggestion for Kranc

Issue #2789 new
Zach Etienne created an issue

Currently the ET citations webpage

only lists the Kranc webpage as the Kranc reference. This seems curious, as there’s no mention of the Kranc paper:

Shouldn’t the paper be added to the list?

Comments (8)

  1. Roland Haas

    My recollection is that Ian says that the Kranc paper is "old and
    outdated". Though does say (

    "We request that you cite our 2006 Kranc paper if you use Kranc, or
    Kranc-generated code, in a scientific publication."

    We currently list nothing for Kranc actually. Only for McLachlan.

  2. Ian Hinder

    It is old and outdated, but I don’t think that’s a good reason to omit it. I’m not sure what the logic was - maybe we were trying to avoid asking people to cite too many things? I can’t think of a reason not to cite the Kranc paper now. @Erik Schnetter @Peter Diener do you remember any details of this decision?

  3. Roland Haas

    Possibly there was the anticipation of an updated reference with more authors listed? The paper has as authors: Sascha, Ian, Christiane, while the website adds Erik and Barry.

    A requested-for entry may look like this (the entry is already in einsteintoolkit.bib only the requested-for / suggested-for tag is missing):

      requested-for ={Kranc},
      author =       "Husa, Sascha and Hinder, Ian and Lechner,
      title =        "{Kranc: a Mathematica application to generate
                      numerical codes for tensorial evolution equations}",
      journal =      "Comput. Phys. Commun.",
      volume =       174,
      year =         2006,
      pages =        "983-1004",
      eprint =       "arXiv:gr-qc/0404023",
      SLACcitation = "%%CITATION = GR-QC/0404023;%%"

    and a suggested-for one

      suggested-for ={Kranc},
      author =       "Husa, Sascha and Hinder, Ian and Lechner,
      title =        "{Kranc: a Mathematica application to generate
                      numerical codes for tensorial evolution equations}",
      journal =      "Comput. Phys. Commun.",
      volume =       174,
      year =         2006,
      pages =        "983-1004",
      eprint =       "arXiv:gr-qc/0404023",
      SLACcitation = "%%CITATION = GR-QC/0404023;%%"

  4. Roland Haas

    @Ian Hinder could you either add (as shown above) or let me know which one of the suggested-for or requested-for tag to einsteintoolkit.bib in manifest?

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