compilation faiulres in TwoPunctures_BBHSF and TwoPunctures_KerrProca with gcc14

Issue #2802 resolved
Roland Haas created an issue

GCC14 removed implicit pointer casts and requires explicit casts for C in the same manner that C++ requires them.

This affects TwoPunctures and thus all thorns that are derived from TwoPunctures. Typical compile failures are error messages such as:

COMPILING Proca/TwoPunctures_KerrProca/src/Newton.c
/Users/rhaas/Cactus/configs/sim/build/TwoPunctures_KerrProca/Newton.c: In function 'TPKP_TestRelax':
/Users/rhaas/Cactus/configs/sim/build/TwoPunctures_KerrProca/Newton.c:287:37: error: passing argument 6 of 'resid' from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]
  287 |   resid (res, ntotal, dv, F, ncols, cols, JFD);
      |                                     ^~~~
      |                                     |
      |                                     int **

This is fixed for TwoPunctures in but the patch used there does not cleanly apply to the derived codes (possibly due to some extra lines of code being present).

Comments (6)

  1. Roland Haas reporter

    Resolved in "Merged in Fix_TwoPunctures_BBHSF_Incompatible_Pointer_Types (pull request #7)" of Scalar and git hash 93f7a48 "Merged in Canuda_Proca_Fix_TwoPunctures_KerrProca (pull request #6)" of Proca

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