download tar files for Multipatch gallery example misnamed

Issue #2810 wontfix
Roland Haas created an issue

Most of the Kerr-Schild multi*patch* gallery example tar files are named incorrectly (with the correctly named one being @helvi witek 's from 2019). Namely they are named Kerr-Schild_*Multipole*.

Not sure if there is anything that can be done about the past files, but future files should be named correctly unless we want to maintain bug-for-bug backwards compatibility in naming schemes of those files.

Files are at:

Comments (1)

  1. Roland Haas reporter

    Nope, turns out "Multipole" was intentional. The parfile is named the same and the commit message introducing it e6ea25d "LlamaWaveToy: Add examples with multipolar initial data" of llama shows that the naming was intentional.

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