Cursor in game selection menu (New GUI)

Issue #28 resolved
Former user created an issue

Original [issue 28]( created by badablek on 2009-05-22T21:45:31.000Z:

I know that the new version, with the nice GUI, is not officially out. But...I have compiled the latest sources, and it seems the position of the cursor does not match the higlighted item.

I have made a video here : you can see it at 30sec and 53sec

As it's not out, don't know if you care about that problem...if not, just delete this issue ;)

Comments (4)

  1. Former user Account Deleted

    Comment # 1 originally posted by ekeeke31 on 2009-05-23T13:26:45.000Z:

    that's (one of) the reason it's not out yet, it still need to be perfected I currently have a problem with texture rotations when using GX rendering (I've written my own routines, not any existing libraries except libogc off course)

  2. Former user Account Deleted

    Comment # 2 originally posted by badablek on 2009-05-23T18:57:44.000Z:

    I hope you will find how to fix these problems ;)

    BTW your GUI is really great thanks for your hard work.

  3. Former user Account Deleted

    Comment # 3 originally posted by ekeeke31 on 2009-05-24T07:34:54.000Z:

    I finally understood how to rotate images properly, should be better now

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