[Gamecube/Wii] Sega/Mega CD Case Overlay

Issue #344 new
Former user created an issue

Original issue 344 created by TheRealBurntLasagna on 2013-06-12T16:40:45.000Z:

Not entirely sure if this has been brought up before, though has it ever been considered to include a Sega/Mega CD case overlay for the screenshot section of Mega CD games?

The current build just uses a Mega Drive cartridge for Sega/Mega CD, which isn't exactly fitting, considering that Game Gear, Master System and SG-1000 all have their respective overlays for their system.

I understand that Sega CD cases aren't the correct proportions to fit a 4:3 screenshot inside, but couldn't a Mega CD case work?

To get the idea across, here is a quick and dirty test overlay as a attachment, along with a Mega CD front case template.

Comments (2)

  1. Former user Account Deleted
    • changed status to new

    Comment # 1 originally posted by ekeeke31 on 2013-06-12T19:19:15.000Z:

    Similar things have already been proposed but with CD labels instead, which is unpractical and makes everything look weird.

    Your idea is different however and might be usable, with some improvements to the template to actually reduce the snapshot window size and make it more integratedto the CD case...

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