Menu causing corruption in bottom border area when border is disabled

Issue #375 resolved
Former user created an issue

Original issue 375 created by TheRealBurntLasagna on 2014-04-08T16:15:45.000Z:

I decided to test out the latest rev last night (r867) and it seems to have introduced a new bug.

If you bring up the menu at the title screen of a game, then close it, there will be a thin line of graphical corruption at the bottom of the screen. You can hardly see it usually, though when it cuts to a different screen, it stays there and becomes clear as day and I don't think it ever goes away. I've also noticed that this can also mess up some audio as well, such as battles in Barver Battle Saga. Though again, this only if you bring up the menu.

My video setting are Original with no filters and no borders. If that helps at all. let me know if you need anymore info.

Comments (5)

  1. Former user Account Deleted

    Comment # 1 originally posted by ekeeke31 on 2014-04-08T21:50:38.000Z:

    this is very vague
    can you give an example of a game where you noticed it at title screen ?
    is it randomly or constantly happening under some conditions ?

  2. Former user Account Deleted

    Comment # 2 originally posted by TheRealBurntLasagna on 2014-04-09T20:09:14.000Z:

    Sorry for the poor explanation.
    For example, if I load up Rocket Knight Adventures or Dynamite Heady then go to the menu on their title screens, this problem would happen. I haven't done too much testing after my initial discovery of this problem, though I think this might happen with most games.

    I believe this glitch occurs consistently when the conditions are met.

  3. Former user Account Deleted
    • changed status to open

    Comment # 4 originally posted by ekeeke31 on 2014-04-09T22:38:58.000Z:

    ok, i see it now
    it indeed only happens when top/bottom borders are disabled, in the part normally filled by border color, which i can barely see on my TV, hence why i didn't noticed it first

    i think i know what is causing this though, shouldn't be complicate to fix

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