Calibration option for Wii remote

Issue #387 resolved
Former user created an issue

Original issue 387 created by serious.nukem on 2014-07-24T07:35:21.000Z:

What steps will reproduce the problem?
1.Adding a Wii remote calibration option to the controller options.

What is the expected output? What do you see instead?
Would be lovely to see a calibration option for the Wii remote. Some games offer this (Lethal Enforcers - Mega CD) but games that do not I find the pointer hideously inaccurate.

What version of the emulator are you using (official, SVN revision,...)?
Update from (Unavailable on my Homebrew channel...)

Please provide any additional information below (Emulator settings, Console

Comments (8)

  1. Former user Account Deleted

    Comment # 1 originally posted by ekeeke31 on 2014-07-24T11:07:56.000Z:

    For what games is this inaccurate and how much inaccurate exactly ? Last time I tried, cursor matched in-game shot positions for the games I tried with only a few pixels differences in some cases but totally acceptable.

    Also give some details about video settings (mode, filter, etc) you are using, i fixed something recently when NTSC filter was being used.

    Adding a calibration option will be useless, the cursor position is accurate to your wiimote reported position and in-game position is calculated by the emulated game program, not the emulator itself.

  2. Former user Account Deleted

    Comment # 2 originally posted by serious.nukem on 2014-07-24T12:41:39.000Z:

    I don't think it's game or filter specific, I've tried most of the filters and the line of sight is more or less the same in every game. Even in menus, when aiming the position is about 3 or 4 inches below my line of sight.

    I don't use the on-screen cursor as this is more off putting.

    Most PS1 and PS2 games offer a calibration function where it offers a target and then shifts calibration after the first shot.

    Also as a suggestion would it be possible to change the way folder navigates when selecting a game. Perhaps use a specific folder destination for each console so that pressing B does not go back a directory?

    Kudos on a very well made and user friendly emulator by the way! :-)

  3. Former user Account Deleted

    Comment # 3 originally posted by ekeeke31 on 2014-07-24T19:19:11.000Z:

    I see, although saying positionning is "inaccurate" in games while cursor is disabled is rather incorrrect since it's mostly subjective and depends on what you refer as your"line of sight".

    Like I said, wiimote screen position is calculated by libogc/libwiiuse and directly used in the emulator so if you even feel that the cursor is not correctly aligned to your wiimote pointed toward screen even in menu, then what you want is a way to calibrate the calculated position of the wiimote, not the emulated lightgun position.

    I guess an easy way to do that would be to disable the cursor in menu then ask user to point the center of the screen (or multiple arbitrary points on the screen) then compare the returned position with the expected position. X and Y offsets will then be applied everytime wiimote screen coordinates are read, which de facto will affect any cursor later displayed on screen, be it in menu or lightgun emulated games.

    However, I think your problem could be more easily solved by properly positionning the sensor bar (best is centered on top of the TV screen) and yourself so that cursors match your "line of sight".

    About your suggestion: separated ROM folders can already be used for each console and i do not see why you wouldn't want to be able to go back up directories or how it would make things more user friendly than it already is. You can press HOME button to return to top menu without having to go back up to every folders or simply press A to load a ROM in selected directory then return to main menu in order to select another console / directory. In both cases, the current directory will be saved for the currently selected console and the browser will put you back there next time you select that console.

  4. Former user Account Deleted

    Comment # 4 originally posted by ekeeke31 on 2014-07-24T19:19:13.000Z:

    I see, although saying positionning is "inaccurate" in games while cursor is disabled is rather incorrrect since it's mostly subjective and depends on what you refer as your"line of sight".

    Like I said, wiimote screen position is calculated by libogc/libwiiuse and directly used in the emulator so if you even feel that the cursor is not correctly aligned to your wiimote pointed toward screen even in menu, then what you want is a way to calibrate the calculated position of the wiimote, not the emulated lightgun position.

    I guess an easy way to do that would be to disable the cursor in menu then ask user to point the center of the screen (or multiple arbitrary points on the screen) then compare the returned position with the expected position. X and Y offsets will then be applied everytime wiimote screen coordinates are read, which de facto will affect any cursor later displayed on screen, be it in menu or lightgun emulated games.

    However, I think your problem could be more easily solved by properly positionning the sensor bar (best is centered on top of the TV screen) and yourself so that cursors match your "line of sight".

    About your suggestion: separated ROM folders can already be used for each console and i do not see why you wouldn't want to be able to go back up directories or how it would make things more user friendly than it already is. You can press HOME button to return to top menu without having to go back up to every folders or simply press A to load a ROM in selected directory then return to main menu in order to select another console / directory. In both cases, the current directory will be saved for the currently selected console and the browser will put you back there next time you select that console.

  5. Former user Account Deleted

    Comment # 5 originally posted by serious.nukem on 2014-07-24T20:55:55.000Z:

    My sensor bar is positioned dead center (to the nearest mm because I'm like that) and above my television screen and I have tried from every angle but in my honest opinion, any console/arcade light gun game needs a calibrating option.

    The light gun genre is one of my favorites and I like everything to be just so. I understand that it may be time consuming but if you ever do get a chance to implement this, it would be most appreciated.

    To explain the folder navigation issue a little easier, what I was trying to say is that when navigating through the GUI I am pressing B to go back and then when selecting a ROM, all of a sudden when pressing B I am folder navigating!. I'm just a lazy sod but it is a little irritating :-)

  6. Former user Account Deleted

    Comment # 6 originally posted by serious.nukem on 2014-07-24T21:00:57.000Z:

    Also the fact the emulator remembers the last used folder is very cool, perhaps just using another button when wishing to go back a directory e.g the minus button?

  7. Former user Account Deleted
    • changed status to open

    Comment # 7 originally posted by ekeeke31 on 2014-07-24T21:41:28.000Z:

    The fact it automatically starts from the last used folder does not change the fact it is a file BROWSER and you need a way to go down AND UP through folders when you want to select new ROM files (I would assume most people use ROMS classified into subfolders as it is more practical).

    That's why button A is to enter a directory (or select/load a ROM file ) and button B is to go back to previous directory as the text near the button icon indicates it. It is just a matter of reading the instructions and getting used to it, I find it to be more intuitive like that anyway.

    As said above, if for some reason you want to exit the ROM browser without loading a ROM file, you can press HOME button to go back to menu. MINUS / PLUS buttons are already used for fast ROM list scrolling and it makes more sense to use HOME button for that anyway.

    I am not sure what you meant by "going back and then when selecting a ROM" as selecting a ROM will automatically start it and exit menus but in general use cases, I doubt you will often open the ROM browser to then exit it without loading a game, hence why it makes more sense to use the B button to navigate the ROM browser.

    As for the Wiimote calibration options, i will look at it as it shouldn't be very hard to add in menu options.

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