Crashes in Pacman 2 - New Adventures - Pac-Jr. Minigame

Issue #444 resolved
Former user created an issue

So this is obscure but I've seen it twice now. I'm running Retroarch on PC, default setting, with core - Genesis Plus GX v1.7.4 7d0c04c

I load up Pacman 2, enter the password PCJRDPW to skip to Pac-Jr play a level and then the game crashes. The first time I observed this was after completing the first level. The second time it happened on the completion of the second level. Something about the screen flashing for level completion might cause it?

If I knew how to find a log file I'd send it to you. Contact if I can be any help. No expert here... Just a guy who happened to find a very obscure bug and figured it might be worth reporting.

Comments (8)

  1. Eke ekeeke repo owner

    I cannot reproduce your issue (either in Retroarch or standalone Genesis Plus GX), the password works fine and I am able to play that Pacman mini-game just fine. I don't understand either what you mean by

    The first time I observed this was after completing the first level. The second time it happened on the completion of the second level.

    Do you mean it is random or it happens anytime you finish the first level or the 2nd level (by skipping first one using password ?) ? It's not very clear. Also, I guess you mean the same kind of crash happened but what kind of crash exactly ? Retroarch crashing and returning to windows or emulated game freezing (but Retroarch and emulator still accessible) ? The former is quite unlikely an emulation issue but rather a problem with your setup. The latter could be because you are using a bad ROM since I could not reproduce it.

  2. RB2021

    Thank you for the fast response. I don't mean to waste your time by getting you to play pacman endlessly. I'll try to hit all your questions, and I will try to learn more and log the error if I can continue to reproduce it. I will also look at my set up in detail to checkand see if I messed with anything.

    I am running a rom from the "No-Intro" collection. The crash happened when completing the levels within the Pac Jr. minigame. The first time I saw it, I beat the first level and it crashed. The second time I was able to get through and beat the second level but then it crashed. The retroarch menu is available however the game's screen remains black.

  3. Eke ekeeke repo owner
    • changed status to open

    Sorry, I was a little quick reading your initial issue, I know understand what you meant.

    I will have a look to see if I can reproduce it when I get some time, although I kinda suck at Pac-Man so it might take a while, especially if this is random. Is there any cheat codes for invicibility ?

  4. Eke ekeeke repo owner

    OK, I was able to reproduce it.

    Looking at emulator output, the game is actually stuck in an infinite loop because it is doing something quite nasty that I suspect would probably get it stuck on real hardware as well (it is waiting for VINT flag to be set in VDP status with Vertical Interrupt enabled, but since this flag is set at the same time as interrupt occurs then is quite immediately cleared when the interrupt is acknowledged by CPU, depending how reads to VDP control port are aligned with interrupt occurrence, it could end waiting endlessly without ever seeing the flag being set).

    Are you sure it never happens on real hardware?

  5. RB2021

    I tried the game on real hardware tonight. Genesis model two if it matters. I ran through the first 2 levels 3 times and did not encounter a crash. I can't be sure it never happens but that's the results I have for now.

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