Incorrect Month

Issue #466 resolved
Former user created an issue

Today is 08/04/2021. No matter the game, whenever I use Load & Save, it is displayed 08/03/2021. I am using the latest version of GameCube.

Comments (2)

  1. Eke ekeeke repo owner

    There was indeed a little issue with the way I retrieved the month value; Congrats for being the first one to spot (or at least report) it in 10 years :-)

    Well this has been fixed by this commit and a fixed build is available here :

  2. Thiago Christovao

    Thanks. I am the author of #458. Today I found out that my request was not accepted and took the opportunity to try this other problem. But I really only realized this yesterday using emulator since 2016. Better late than never.

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