Memory Allocation... Again.

Issue #470 wontfix
Former user created an issue

I decided to change from WAV to OGG and this problem reappeared.

I decided to check several versions and found that until 2019-01-26 this problem does not occur. But I only played for a few hours.

I noticed that the executable has the reduced size. Perhaps, try to keep the emulator under 3 megabytes in future revisions.

Another thing I noticed is that these smaller files don't display the reset settings message when run for the first time. Thanks.

Comments (3)

  1. Eke ekeeke repo owner

    I am guessing you are talking about the gamecube version ? Unfortunately, it is not possible to “keep the emulator under a certain size”, the size depending on the code which is common to all platforms, and maybe the compiler version. As already explained elsewhere, the Gamecube has very limited RAM available so it’s not surprising that features like ogg file which require extra dynamic RAM allocation do not work reliably.

    As for the message on startup, it appears when you change the version of the emulator and that version uses an updated configuration file content (because new configurable settings were added for example)

  2. Thiago Christovao

    Yes, the GameCube version.

    I get it. It is also not possible to reduce the size by Dollz.

    Thanks for answering.

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