[Research] Maliput

Issue #101 resolved
Agustin Alba Chicar created an issue

We need to define if we can work with Maliput as if it is Manifold. The main guidelines are:

  1. Graph structure or something similar to get an in memory representation
  2. Use as a library

Comments (12)

  1. Agustin Alba Chicar reporter

    Updated repository with LanePositions and GeoPosition conversion. Also added rotations at each control point of the others.

    There are other which are BranchPoints, LaneEndSets and LaneEnds that are available at the RoadGeometry level. This values are realated by the following:

    • A BranchPoint is a junction o a start point.
    • A LaneEndSet is a set of LaneEnds.
    • A LaneEnd is a wrapper of a tuple given by a Lane and a point. The point could be the beginning or the ending of the lane.
  2. Agustin Alba Chicar reporter

    From the above reseach we got the following:

    • Maliput + Monolane implementation can be used as a library.
    • It loads an in memory representation of the road. However, it is not represented as a Graph so we need to wrap it to provide path-finding or other similar algorithms.
    • We can get geometric information from Maliput's implementations and adapt to them. Also, we can take our custom resolution in terms of road definition.
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