[Research] Systems in drake

Issue #102 resolved
Agustin Alba Chicar created an issue

Research on how is the life-cycle of a System. One option is the LeafSystem.

Try to get a simple example of a moving box or something similar.

Comments (9)

  1. Agustin Alba Chicar reporter

    The main classes are related as follows (down --> top):

    1. The RigidBody class is the representation of a rigid body element.
    2. The DrakeJoint class joins two rigid bodies and describes how they are related.
    3. The Element class of a RigidBody is used for the collisions of the bodies.
    4. The System class is a base interface for generic systems. A LeafSystem class is a derived class of a system that provides some useful utilities to the System class.
    5. The RigidBodyTree is a derived class of a LeafSystem and keeps multiple RigidBodies interactions (with their joints).

    They System behaviour is based in the following:

    1. Given a Context you give to a System which is the initial state.
    2. A System has a collection of input and output ports. On each time iteration the System must calc the output ports values and publish them. This is how the system evolves in time.
  2. Agustin Alba Chicar reporter

    The sample has been updated with a moving particle with a constant accelaration.

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