Maliput lane smoothness research

Issue #107 resolved
Agustin Alba Chicar created an issue

Research on the smoothness of the roads and the Maliput's API needs in terms of the spec. from it define a start point geometry implementation to create non straight roads and junctions between them. Confirm with drake's dev team.

Comments (6)

  1. Agustin Alba Chicar reporter

    After some interaction with drake's team, these are the conclusions:

    • C1 restrictions implies continuity at all the points and tangent continuity at all points. Tolerances can be retrieved by calling: linear_tolerance() and angular_tolerance().
    • straight lines are not enough to cover C1 restrictions. Arcs, splines, bezier and clothoids should suffice.
    • When creating a map, straight lines and arcs can do a good job but when fitting points to a geometry (for example from an OSM or RNDF map description) the problems may become more complex and polynomial approach might be the way to go.
    • Euler spirals or clothoids are real road curves, so getting an implementation of them may be desirable.
    • At this moment there is no support for Bezier or Splines but it's thought to be implemented in the following weeks (Bezier curves).
  2. Agustin Alba Chicar reporter

    We are going to use Splines from ignition::math and test on a separate branch of Ekumen's Drake fork the implementation using something similar dragway.

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