Summary operation produces inconsistent output

Issue #5 new
Tin Vu created an issue

Summary operation returns different values of avg_area for the same input when we run it multiple times.

Sample command:

beast-0.10.1-SNAPSHOT/bin/beast summary datasets/sjml/real_datasets_large/osm2015_roads.geojson 'iformat:geojson'

We got the following outputs for the command above (avg_area is at line 10):

1st run:

  "extent" : {
    "min_coord" : [ -180.0, -89.9671512 ],
    "max_coord" : [ 180.0, 82.512702 ]
  "size" : 24120563350,
  "num_features" : 72339945,
  "num_non_empty_features" : 72339926,
  "num_points" : 789388126,
  "avg_area" : 1.4359350409136593E-7,
  "avg_sidelength" : [ 0.003797537069435199, 0.0028080904014126168 ],
  "srid" : 4326,
  "attributes" : [ {
    "name" : "attr#0",
    "type" : "string"
    }, {
      "name" : "attr#1",
      "type" : "string"
    } ]

2nd run:

  "extent" : {
    "min_coord" : [ -180.0, -89.9671512 ],
    "max_coord" : [ 180.0, 82.512702 ]
  "size" : 24120563350,
  "num_features" : 72339945,
  "num_non_empty_features" : 72339926,
  "num_points" : 789388126,
  "avg_area" : 8.385063688492469E-7,
  "avg_sidelength" : [ 0.003797537069435203, 0.0028080904014126133 ],
  "srid" : 4326,
  "attributes" : [ {
    "name" : "attr#0",
    "type" : "string"
  }, {
    "name" : "attr#1",
    "type" : "string"
  } ]

3rd run:

  "extent" : {
    "min_coord" : [ -180.0, -89.9671512 ],
    "max_coord" : [ 180.0, 82.512702 ]
  "size" : 24120563350,
  "num_features" : 72339945,
  "num_non_empty_features" : 72339926,
  "num_points" : 789388126,
  "avg_area" : 5.3552155626300736E-8,
  "avg_sidelength" : [ 0.003797537069435203, 0.002808090401412614 ],
  "srid" : 4326,
  "attributes" : [ {
    "name" : "attr#0",
    "type" : "string"
  }, {
    "name" : "attr#1",
    "type" : "string"
  } ]

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