gestion Mail apres validation inscription

Issue #239 new
GuYom-SDN created an issue

Il existe une difference de traitement de l'envoi de mail suite à la validation (ou l'invalidation) dans le BackO d'une inscription en attente.

  • (In)Validation via le bouton dans la liste des inscriptions (backO)=> envoi d'un mail ok

  • (In)Validation via la page de l'inscription (backO) => pas d'envoi de mail

Est-il envisageable que les 2 méthodes entrainent un envoi de mail?

Comments (10)

  1. GuYom-SDN reporter

    Je me permets de faire un petit up car à l'utilisation, cela devient problématique (ou alors je n'ai rien compris ;)

    Donc, si on veut valider une inscription en backOffice, il y a 2 methodes :

    1-Via la page de chaque inscription :


    => le probleme est que l'utilisateur n'est pas prévenu par mail

    2-Via la liste des inscriptions :


    => Le probleme est que si on veut passer la proposition d'inscription sur "Désolé je ne pourrais pas venir", on est obligé de passer par "Je viendrai" Du coup l'utilisateur recoit d'abord un mail comme quoi il est inscrit, puis un autre comme quoi il n'est pas inscrit...

    Y a t il une methode pour passer en backOffice de "En attente de validation" à "Désolé je ne pourrais pas venir" et que l'utilisateur soit prévenu par mail?

  2. GuYom-SDN reporter

    Nous concernant, le top serait de reprendre la methode de AE v2.5 qui permettait de gérer plusieurs inscriptions en attente en même temps. En effet, nous gérons parfois plusieurs 10aines d'inscriptions et 1 par 1 ça peut être un peu long ;)


    Cette solution (ou autre chose) est-elle envisageable?

  3. GuYom-SDN reporter

    bon.... Si quelqu'un a une methode pour passer une inscription incertaine sur "désolé je ne pourrais pas venir" dans le Back Office et que l'inscrit soit prévenu par mail, je suis preneur ;)

    Parce que là, la seule méthode que je vois, c'est :<br> 1- on passe l'inscription sur "je viendrais" dans la page spécifique de l'inscription (pas d'envoi de mail) 2- puis passer cette même inscription sur "désolé je ne pourrais pas venir" via la liste des inscriptions (et là, le demandeur de l'inscription est prévenu par mail)

    ... mais bon, si ce n'est pas un beug, ça n'est pas très... ergonomique ;)

  4. Emmanuel Lecoester repo owner

    Hello Guyom :)

    ci dessous le code qui devrait répondre à tes attente :)

    defined('_JEXEC') or die();
    if (!class_exists('AllEventsHelperParam'))
        require_once JPATH_ROOT . '/components/com_allevents/helpers/aeparam.php';
    if (!class_exists('AllEventsHelperDate'))
        require_once JPATH_ROOT . '/components/com_allevents/helpers/date.php';
     * AllEventsHelperMails
     * @version %%ae3.version%%
     * @package %%ae3.package%%
     * @copyright %%ae3.copyright%%
     * @license %%ae3.license%%
     * @author
     * @access public
    class AllEventsHelperMails extends JObject
         * AllEventsHelperMails::get_header()
         * @return
        protected static function get_header()
            $header = '';
            $header .= '<head>';
            $header .= '    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">';
            $header .= '    <title>[EVENT_TITLE]</title>';
            $header .= '    <base href="[SITE_URL]/media/com_allevents/" />';
            $header .= '    <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/mail.css" type="text/css" />';
            $header .= '    <style type="text/css">';
            $header .= '        .qrcode{background:url("{Mails Action=QRCode|Status=Pending|Size=2|Type=base64|Content=EVENT_TITLE#EVENT_DATE#EVENT_ENDDATE#USER_NAME#EVENT_URL}") no-repeat center center #f1f6fa;min-height:141px;min-width:141px;padding:10px 10px 10px 30px;display:inline-block;border:1px solid #b4cee2;}';
            $header .= '    </style>';
            $header .= '</head>';
            return($header) ; 
         * AllEventsHelperMails::SendMailEnrolment()
         * @param mixed $data
         * @param mixed $enroltype
         * @param integer $userid
         * @param string $type
         * @return
        public static function SendMailEnrolment($data, $enroltype, $userid = 0, $type = 'site')
            $config = JFactory::getConfig();
            $mailer = JFactory::getMailer();
            $params = AllEventsHelperParam::getGlobalParam($type);
            if ($type == 'admin')
                $user = JFactory::getUser($userid);
                $user = JFactory::getUser();
            if ($params['gmail_on'])
                switch ($enroltype)
                    case 1:
                        // refused by admin or by user
                        $body = self::BuildBody($params['gmail_enrolment_no'], $params['gmail_title']);
                    case 2:
                        // accepted by admin
                        $body = self::BuildBody($params['gmail_enrolment_ok'], $params['gmail_title']);
                    case 3:
                        $body = self::BuildBody($params['gmail_enrolment_pending'], $params['gmail_title']);
                    case 4:
                        $body = self::BuildBody($params['gmail_enrolment_perhaps'], $params['gmail_title']);
                    case 5:
                        $body = self::BuildBody($params['gmail_enrolment_yes'], $params['gmail_title']);
                    case 6:
                        $body = self::BuildBody($params['gmail_enrolment_yes'], $params['gmail_title']);
                // Set sender array so that my name will show up neatly in your inbox
                $sender = array($config->get('config.mailfrom'), $config->get('config.fromname'));
                // Add a recipient -- this can be a single address (string) or an array of addresses
                $recipient = $user->email;
                $cc = array();
                // Add a CC -- this can be a single address (string) or an array of addresses
                if ((($params['gmail_authorupd']) && ($enroltype == 1)) || (($params['gmail_authorvalid']) && ($enroltype == 2)) || (($params['gmail_authornew']) && ($enroltype == 3)) || (($params['gmail_authornew']) && ($enroltype == 4)) || (($params['gmail_authorwait']) && ($enroltype == 5)) || (($params['gmail_authorvalid']) && ($enroltype == 6)))
                    if (isset($data['contact_email']) && ($data['contact_email'] != ""))
                        $cc[] = $data['contact_email'];
                    if (isset($data['proposed_email']) && ($data['proposed_email'] != ""))
                        $cc[] = $data['proposed_email'];
                // mode user
                if (($params['gmail_by'] == 1))
                    if ((($params['gmail_agendaupd']) && ($enroltype == 1)) || (($params['gmail_agendaupd']) && ($enroltype == 2)) || (($params['gmail_agendanew']) && ($enroltype == 3)) || (($params['gmail_agendanew']) && ($enroltype == 4)) || (($params['gmail_agendaupd']) && ($enroltype == 5)) || (($params['gmail_agendaupd']) && ($enroltype == 6)))
                        if (isset($data['agenda_contact_email']) && ($data['agenda_contact_email'] != ""))
                            $cc[] = $data['agenda_contact_email'];
                    if ((($params['gmail_adminupd']) && ($enroltype == 1)) || (($params['gmail_adminupd']) && ($enroltype == 2)) || (($params['gmail_adminnew']) && ($enroltype == 3)) || (($params['gmail_adminnew']) && ($enroltype == 4)) || (($params['gmail_adminupd']) && ($enroltype == 5)) || (($params['gmail_adminupd']) && ($enroltype == 6)))
                        $user = JFactory::getUser($params['defaultuser']);
                        $cc[] = $user->email;
                    // si le user de contact = user de création, un seul mail
                    if (!empty($cc))
                        $cc = array_unique($cc);
                // mode groupe
                if (($params['gmail_by'] == 0) && (JFactory::getApplication()->get('massmailoff', 0) == 1))
                    $access = new JAccess;
                    // Get users in the group out of the ACL
                    $to = array();
                    foreach ($params['gmail_usergroupupd'] as $group)
                        $to = array_merge($to, $access->getUsersByGroup($group, $params['gmail_recurse']));
                    if (!empty($to))
                        // Get all users email and group except for senders
                        $query = $db->getQuery(true)->select('email')->from('#__users')->where('id != ' . (int)JFactory::getUser()->get('id'));
                        $query->where('id IN (' . implode(',', $to) . ')');
                        $query = $db->getQuery(true)->select('email')->from('#__users')->where('id = ' . (int)JFactory::getUser()->get('id'));
                    $rows = $db->loadColumn();
                    if ($params['gmail_bcc'])
                $Subject = JText::_('COM_ALLEVENTS_MAIL_ENROLMENT_SUBJECT');
                $Subject = str_replace('[EVENT_TITLE]', $data['titre'], $Subject);
                $date = DateTime::createFromFormat($params['gdate_format'], $data['date']);
                if (!isset($date) || ($date == ''))
                    $date = DateTime::createFromFormat($params['gdatetime_format'], $data['date']);
                if (!isset($date) || ($date == ''))
                    $date = DateTime::createFromFormat('Y-m-d H:i:s', $data['date']);
                $enddate = DateTime::createFromFormat($params['gdate_format'], $data['enddate']);
                if (!isset($enddate) || ($enddate == ''))
                    $enddate = DateTime::createFromFormat($params['gdatetime_format'], $data['enddate']);
                if (!isset($enddate) || ($enddate == ''))
                    $enddate = DateTime::createFromFormat('Y-m-d H:i:s', $data['enddate']);
                $Subject = str_replace('[EVENT_DATE]', JHtml::date($date->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'), $params['gdate_format']), $Subject);
                $Subject = str_replace('[EVENT_ENDDATE]', JHtml::date($enddate->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'), $params['gdate_format']), $Subject);
                $body = self::MergeBody($body, $data, $userid, $type);
                $mailer->Encoding = 'base64';
                // Optional file attached
                // $mailer->addAttachment(JPATH_COMPONENT.'/assets/document.pdf');
                // Optionally add embedded image
                // $mailer->AddEmbeddedImage( JPATH_COMPONENT.'/assets/logo128.jpg', 'logo_id', 'logo.jpg', 'base64', 'image/jpeg' );
                // Send once you have set all of your options
                $send = $mailer->Send();
                if ($send !== true)
                    JFactory::getApplication()->enqueueMessage(JText::_('COM_ALLEVENTS_MAIL_NOTSENT') . ':' . $send->__toString(), 'error');
         * AllEventsHelperMails::SendMailProposition_hasbeenapproved()
         * @param mixed $data
         * @param string $origin
         * @return
        public static function SendMailProposition_hasbeenapproved($data, $origin = 'site')
            $config = JFactory::getConfig();
            $mailer = JFactory::getMailer();
            $params = AllEventsHelperParam::getGlobalParam($origin);
            if ($params['gmail_on'])
                // Set sender array so that my name will show up neatly in your inbox
                $sender = array($config->get('config.mailfrom'), $config->get('config.fromname'));
                if ($params['gmail_authorupd'])
                    // Add a recipient -- this can be a single address (string) or an array of addresses
                    if (isset($data['contact_email']) && ($data['contact_email'] != ""))
                        $recipient[] = $data['contact_email'];
                    if (isset($data['proposed_email']) && ($data['proposed_email'] != ""))
                        $recipient[] = $data['proposed_email'];
                    $user = JFactory::getUser();
                    $recipient[] = $user->email;
                // si le user de contact = user de création, un seul mail
                if (!empty($recipient))
                    $recipient = array_unique($recipient);
                // mode user
                if (($params['gmail_by'] == 1))
                    if ($params['gmail_agendaupd'])
                        if (isset($data['agenda_contact_email']) && ($data['agenda_contact_email'] != ""))
                            // soit le contact défini au niveau de l'agenda
                            $cc[] = $data['agenda_contact_email'];
                    if ($params['gmail_adminupd'])
                        $user = JFactory::getUser($params['defaultuser']);
                        $cc[] = $user->email;
                    // si le user de contact = user de création, un seul mail
                    if (!empty($cc))
                        $cc = array_unique($cc);
                // mode groupe
                if (($params['gmail_by'] == 0) && (JFactory::getApplication()->get('massmailoff', 0) == 1))
                    $access = new JAccess;
                    // Get users in the group out of the ACL
                    $to = array();
                    foreach ($params['gmail_usergroupupd'] as $group)
                        $to = array_merge($to, $access->getUsersByGroup($group, $params['gmail_recurse']));
                    if (!empty($to))
                        // Get all users email and group except for senders
                        $query = $db->getQuery(true)->select('email')->from('#__users')->where('id != ' . (int)JFactory::getUser()->get('id'));
                        $query->where('id IN (' . implode(',', $to) . ')');
                        $query = $db->getQuery(true)->select('email')->from('#__users')->where('id = ' . (int)JFactory::getUser()->get('id'));
                    $rows = $db->loadColumn();
                    if ($params['gmail_bcc'])
                $Subject = '[EVENT_TITLE]';
                $Subject = str_replace('[EVENT_TITLE]', $data['titre'], $Subject);
                $date = DateTime::createFromFormat($params['gdate_format'], $data['date']);
                if (!isset($date) || ($date == ''))
                    $date = DateTime::createFromFormat($params['gdatetime_format'], $data['date']);
                if (!isset($date) || ($date == ''))
                    $date = DateTime::createFromFormat('Y-m-d H:i:s', $data['date']);
                $enddate = DateTime::createFromFormat($params['gdate_format'], $data['enddate']);
                if (!isset($enddate) || ($enddate == ''))
                    $enddate = DateTime::createFromFormat($params['gdatetime_format'], $data['enddate']);
                if (!isset($enddate) || ($enddate == ''))
                    $enddate = DateTime::createFromFormat('Y-m-d H:i:s', $data['enddate']);
                $Subject = str_replace('[EVENT_DATE]', JHtml::date($date->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'), $params['gdate_format']), $Subject);
                $Subject = str_replace('[EVENT_ENDDATE]', JHtml::date($enddate->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'), $params['gdate_format']), $Subject);
                $body = self::BuildBody($params['gmail_proposition_hasbeenapproved'], $params['gmail_title']);
                $body = self::MergeBody($body, $data, 0, 'admin');
                $mailer->Encoding = 'base64';
                // Optional file attached
                // $mailer->addAttachment(JPATH_COMPONENT.'/assets/document.pdf');
                // Optionally add embedded image
                // $mailer->AddEmbeddedImage( JPATH_COMPONENT.'/assets/logo128.jpg', 'logo_id', 'logo.jpg', 'base64', 'image/jpeg' );
                // Send once you have set all of your options
                $send = $mailer->Send();
                if ($send !== true)
                    JFactory::getApplication()->enqueueMessage(JText::_('COM_ALLEVENTS_MAIL_NOTSENT') . ':' . $send->__toString(), 'error');
         * AllEventsHelperMails::SendMailProposition()
         * @param mixed $data
         * @param string $origin
         * @return
        public static function SendMailProposition($data, $origin = 'site')
            $config = JFactory::getConfig();
            $mailer = JFactory::getMailer();
            $params = AllEventsHelperParam::getGlobalParam($origin);
            if ($params['gmail_on'])
                if ($data['proposal'] == 1)
                    $body = self::BuildBody($params['gmail_proposition'], $params['gmail_title']);
                    $body = self::BuildBody($params['gmail_proposition_approved'], $params['gmail_title']);
                // Set sender array so that my name will show up neatly in your inbox
                $sender = array($config->get('config.mailfrom'), $config->get('config.fromname'));
                // Add a recipient -- this can be a single address (string) or an array of addresses
                if ($params['gmail_authornew'])
                    if (isset($data['contact_email']) && ($data['contact_email'] != ""))
                        $recipient[] = $data['contact_email'];
                    if (isset($data['proposed_email']) && ($data['proposed_email'] != ""))
                        $recipient[] = $data['proposed_email'];
                    $user = JFactory::getUser();
                    $recipient[] = $user->email;
                // si le user de contact = user de création, un seul mail
                if (!empty($recipient))
                    $recipient = array_unique($recipient);
                // mode groupe
                if (($params['gmail_by'] == 1))
                    // Add a CC -- this can be a single address (string) or an array of addresses
                    if ($params['gmail_agendanew'])
                        if (isset($data['agenda_contact_email']) && ($data['agenda_contact_email'] != ""))
                            // soit le contact défini au niveau de l'agenda
                            $cc[] = $data['agenda_contact_email'];
                    if ($params['gmail_adminnew'])
                        $useradmin = JFactory::getUser($params['defaultuser']);
                        $cc[] = $useradmin->email;
                    if (!empty($cc))
                        // si le user de contact = user de création, un seul mail
                        $cc = array_unique($cc);
                // mode groupe
                if (($params['gmail_by'] == 0) && (JFactory::getApplication()->get('massmailoff', 0) == 1))
                    $access = new JAccess;
                    $to = array();
                    foreach ($params['gmail_usergroupnew'] as $group)
                        $to = array_merge($to, $access->getUsersByGroup($group, $params['gmail_recurse']));
                    if (!empty($to))
                        // Get all users email and group except for senders
                        $query = $db->getQuery(true)->select('email')->from('#__users')->where('id != ' . (int)JFactory::getUser()->get('id'));
                        $query->where('id IN (' . implode(',', $to) . ')');
                        $query = $db->getQuery(true)->select('email')->from('#__users')->where('id = ' . (int)JFactory::getUser()->get('id'));
                    $rows = $db->loadColumn();
                    if ($params['gmail_bcc'])
                $Subject = JText::_('COM_ALLEVENTS_MAIL_PROPOSAL_SUBJECT');
                $Subject = str_replace('[EVENT_TITLE]', $data['titre'], $Subject);
                $date = DateTime::createFromFormat($params['gdate_format'], $data['date']);
                if (!isset($date) || ($date == ''))
                    $date = DateTime::createFromFormat($params['gdatetime_format'], $data['date']);
                if (!isset($date) || ($date == ''))
                    $date = DateTime::createFromFormat('Y-m-d H:i:s', $data['date']);
                $enddate = DateTime::createFromFormat($params['gdate_format'], $data['enddate']);
                if (!isset($enddate) || ($enddate == ''))
                    $enddate = DateTime::createFromFormat($params['gdatetime_format'], $data['enddate']);
                if (!isset($enddate) || ($enddate == ''))
                    $enddate = DateTime::createFromFormat('Y-m-d H:i:s', $data['enddate']);
                $Subject = str_replace('[EVENT_DATE]', JHtml::date($date->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'), $params['gdate_format']), $Subject);
                $Subject = str_replace('[EVENT_ENDDATE]', JHtml::date($enddate->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'), $params['gdate_format']), $Subject);
                $body = self::MergeBody($body, $data);
                $mailer->Encoding = 'base64';
                // Optional file attached
                // $mailer->addAttachment(JPATH_COMPONENT.'/assets/document.pdf');
                // Optionally add embedded image
                // $mailer->AddEmbeddedImage( JPATH_COMPONENT.'/assets/logo128.jpg', 'logo_id', 'logo.jpg', 'base64', 'image/jpeg' );
                // Send once you have set all of your options
                $send = $mailer->Send();
                if ($send !== true)
                    JFactory::getApplication()->enqueueMessage(JText::_('COM_ALLEVENTS_MAIL_NOTSENT') . ':' . $send->__toString(), 'error');
         * AllEventsHelperMails::BuildBody()
         * @param mixed $body
         * @param mixed $title
         * @return
        public static function BuildBody($body, $title)
            $sReturn = '';
            $sReturn .= '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">';
            $sReturn .= '<html>';
            $sReturn .= '   <head>';
            $sReturn .= '      <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">';
            $sReturn .= '      <title>' . $title . '</title>';
            $sReturn .= '      <base href="%SITE_URL%/media/com_allevents/" />';
            $sReturn .= '      <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/mail.css" type="text/css" />';
            $sReturn .= '     <style type="text/css">';
            $sReturn .= '        .qrcode{background:url("{Mails Action=QRCode|Status=Pending|Size=2|Type=base64|Content=EVENT_TITLE#EVENT_DATE#EVENT_ENDDATE#USER_NAME#EVENT_URL}") no-repeat center center #f1f6fa;min-height:141px;min-width:141px;padding:10px 10px 10px 30px;display:inline-block;border:1px solid #b4cee2;}';
            $sReturn .= '     </style>';
            $sReturn .= '   </head>';
            $sReturn .= '   <body>';
            $sReturn .= $body;
            $sReturn .= '   </body>';
            $sReturn .= '</html>';
            return $sReturn;
         * AllEventsHelperMails::MergeBody()
         * @param mixed $body
         * @param mixed $data
         * @param string $origin
         * @return
        public static function MergeBody($body, $data, $userid = 0, $origin = 'site')
            $header = self::get_header();
            $sReturn = $header . $body;
            $params = AllEventsHelperParam::getGlobalParam($origin);
            $arr = array();
            // $user = JFactory::getUser();
            if ($type == 'admin')
                $user = JFactory::getUser($userid);
                $user = JFactory::getUser();
            $style = 'display:inline !important;hidden:false !important;visibility:visible !important;clear:both !important;padding-top:10px !important;font-family:verdana, sans-serif !important;font-size:xx-small !important;';
            $img = '<span class="icon-8-sprite icon-8 icon-8-poweredby" style="' . $style . '"></span>';
            // Surcharge avec les valeurs par defaut
            $db = JFactory::getDbo();
            $data['activity_title'] = '';
            if (isset($data['activity_id']) && is_numeric($data['activity_id']))
                $db->setQuery("SELECT max(`titre`) titre FROM `#__allevents_activities` where `id`=" . $data['activity_id']);
                $loaddb = $db->loadObjectList();
                foreach ($loaddb as $row)
                    $data['activity_title'] = $row->titre;
            $data['agenda_title'] = '';
            if (isset($data['agenda_id']) && is_numeric($data['agenda_id']))
                $db->setQuery("SELECT max(`titre`) titre FROM `#__allevents_agenda` where `id`=" . $data['agenda_id']);
                $loaddb = $db->loadObjectList();
                foreach ($loaddb as $row)
                    $data['agenda_title'] = $row->titre;
            $data['category_title'] = '';
            if (isset($data['category_id']) && is_numeric($data['category_id']))
                $db->setQuery("SELECT max(`titre`) titre FROM `#__allevents_categories` where `id`=" . $data['category_id']);
                $loaddb = $db->loadObjectList();
                foreach ($loaddb as $row)
                    $data['category_title'] = $row->titre;
            $data['place_title'] = '';
            if (isset($data['place_id']) && is_numeric($data['place_id']))
                $db->setQuery("SELECT max(`titre`) titre FROM `#__allevents_places` where `id`=" . $data['place_id']);
                $loaddb = $db->loadObjectList();
                foreach ($loaddb as $row)
                    $data['place_title'] = $row->titre;
            $data['public_title'] = '';
            if (isset($data['public_id']) && is_numeric($data['public_id']))
                $db->setQuery("SELECT max(`titre`) titre FROM `#__allevents_public` where `id`=" . $data['public_id']);
                $loaddb = $db->loadObjectList();
                foreach ($loaddb as $row)
                    $data['public_title'] = $row->titre;
            $data['ressource_title'] = '';
            if (isset($data['ressource_id']) && is_numeric($data['ressource_id']))
                $db->setQuery("SELECT max(`titre`) titre FROM `#__allevents_ressources` where `id`=" . $data['ressource_id']);
                $loaddb = $db->loadObjectList();
                foreach ($loaddb as $row)
                    $data['ressource_title'] = $row->titre;
            $data['section_title'] = '';
            if (isset($data['section_id']) && is_numeric($data['section_id']))
                $db->setQuery("SELECT max(`titre`) titre FROM `#__allevents_sections` where `id`=" . $data['section_id']);
                $loaddb = $db->loadObjectList();
                foreach ($loaddb as $row)
                    $data['section_title'] = $row->titre;
            $date = DateTime::createFromFormat($params['gdate_format'], $data['date']);
            if (!isset($date) || ($date == ''))
                $date = DateTime::createFromFormat($params['gdatetime_format'], $data['date']);
            if (!isset($date) || ($date == ''))
                $date = DateTime::createFromFormat('Y-m-d H:i:s', $data['date']);
            $enddate = DateTime::createFromFormat($params['gdate_format'], $data['enddate']);
            if (!isset($enddate) || ($enddate == ''))
                $enddate = DateTime::createFromFormat($params['gdatetime_format'], $data['enddate']);
            if (!isset($enddate) || ($enddate == ''))
                $enddate = DateTime::createFromFormat('Y-m-d H:i:s', $data['enddate']);
            if ($data['allday'])
                $arr['EVENT_DATE'] = (isset($date) && ($date <> '')) ? JHtml::date($date->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'), $params['gdate_format']) : $data['date'] . '(+ ' . JFactory::getConfig()->get('offset') . ')';
                $arr['EVENT_ENDDATE'] = (isset($enddate) && ($enddate <> '')) ? JHtml::date($enddate->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'), $params['gdate_format']) : $data['enddate'] . '(+ ' . JFactory::getConfig()->get('offset') . ')';
                $arr['EVENT_DATE'] = (isset($date) && ($date <> '')) ? JHtml::date($date->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'), $params['gdatetime_format']) : $data['date'] . '(+ ' . JFactory::getConfig()->get('offset') . ')';
                $arr['EVENT_ENDDATE'] = (isset($enddate) && ($enddate <> '')) ? JHtml::date($enddate->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'), $params['gdatetime_format']) : $data['enddate'] . '(+ ' . JFactory::getConfig()->get('offset') . ')';
            $arr['ENROL_USERALIAS'] = $user->get('username');
            $arr['ENROL_USERNAME'] = $user->get('name');
            $arr['EVENT_ACTIVITY'] = $data['activity_title'];
            $arr['EVENT_AGENDA'] = $data['agenda_title'];
            $arr['EVENT_CATEGORY'] = $data['category_title'];
            $arr['EVENT_DESC'] = $data['description'];
            $arr['EVENT_ID'] = $data['id'];
            $arr['EVENT_LINK'] = JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_allevents&view=event&id=' . $data['id'] . ':' . $data['alias'], false);
            $arr['EVENT_PLACE'] = $data['place_title'];
            $arr['EVENT_PUBLIC'] = $data['public_title'];
            $arr['EVENT_RESSOURCE'] = $data['ressource_title'];
            $arr['EVENT_SECTION'] = $data['section_title'];
            $arr['EVENT_TITLE'] = $data['titre'];
            $arr['EVENT_URL'] = $arr['EVENT_LINK'];
            $arr['POWERED_BY'] = "\n<div style='" . $style . "'>\n" . $img . "&#160;" . "<a href='' title='" . str_replace("'", "&#145;", JText::_('COM_ALLEVENTS')) . "' target='_blank'>" . sprintf(JText::_('POWERED_BY'), 'AllEvents') . "</a>&#160;" . $img . "\n</div>\n";
            $arr['SITE_NAME'] = JHtml::link(JString::trim(JURI::root(false), '/'), JFactory::getApplication()->getCfg('sitename'));
            $arr['SITE_URL'] = JString::trim(JURI::root(false), '/');
            $arr['SITE_WEBMASTER'] = JFactory::getApplication()->getCfg('mailfrom');
            if (isset($data['contact_id']) && $data['contact_id'] > 0)
                $arr['EVENT_CONTACT'] = JFactory::getUser($data['contact_id'])->name;
            // Localisation des mails : utilisation des textes issus des fichiers de langue de AllEvents
            $arrText = array();
            $arrText[] = 'COM_ALLEVENTS_ADDITIONAL_INFO';
            $arrText[] = 'COM_ALLEVENTS_MAIL_CONTACT_US';
            $arrText[] = 'COM_ALLEVENTS_MAIL_CANCEL_TITLE';
            $arrText[] = 'COM_ALLEVENTS_MAIL_CANCEL_TEXT';
            $arrText[] = 'COM_ALLEVENTS_MAIL_CANCEL_SHORT';
            $arrText[] = 'COM_ALLEVENTS_MAIL_ENROL_TITLE';
            $arrText[] = 'COM_ALLEVENTS_MAIL_ENROL_TEXT';
            $arrText[] = 'COM_ALLEVENTS_MAIL_ENROLMENT_CODE';
            $arrText[] = 'COM_ALLEVENTS_MAIL_STAY_INFORMED';
            $arrText[] = 'COM_ALLEVENTS_MAIL_TALK_ABOUT';
            $arrText[] = 'COM_ALLEVENTS_MAIL_TALK_ABOUT_TEXT';
            $arrText[] = 'COM_ALLEVENTS_MAIL_PROPOSAL_TITLE';
            $arrText[] = 'COM_ALLEVENTS_MAIL_PROPOSAL_TEXT';
            $arrText[] = 'ACTIVITY';
            $arrText[] = 'AGENDA';
            $arrText[] = 'CATEGORY';
            $arrText[] = 'CONTACT_PERSON';
            $arrText[] = 'DATE';
            $arrText[] = 'DESCRIPTION';
            $arrText[] = 'ENDDATE';
            $arrText[] = 'EVENT_INFO';
            $arrText[] = 'LINK_URL';
            $arrText[] = 'PARTICIPANT';
            $arrText[] = 'PLACE';
            $arrText[] = 'PUBLIC';
            $arrText[] = 'SECTION';
            $arrText[] = 'TITLE';
            // Remplace les textes par leur équivalent dans la langue de l'utilisateur
            foreach ($arrText as $key => $value)
                $sReturn = str_replace('[' . $value . ']', JText::_($value), $sReturn);
            // Remplace les valeurs (comme p.e. le titre de l'évènement) par sa valeur
            foreach ($arr as $key => $value)
                $sReturn = str_replace('[' . $key . ']', $value, $sReturn);
            // Analyse le texte du mail et cherche les occurences des conditions <!--AE_IF -->
            // Par exemple : "<!--AE_IF [EVENT_AGENDA]--><li>[AGENDA] : [EVENT_AGENDA]</li><!--AE_IF-->"
            $sReturn = preg_replace('/<!--AE_IF -->.*<!--AE_IF-->/', '', $sReturn);
            $sReturn = str_replace('&quot;', '"', str_replace('&gt;', '>', str_replace('&lt;', '<', $sReturn)));
            return $sReturn;
  5. Emmanuel Lecoester repo owner

    code à recopier intégralement dans le fichier /components/com_allevents/helpers/mails.php

  6. GuYom-SDN reporter

    Salut Manu, Normalement j'ai tout bien remplacé le ficher mail.php, mais je ne constate pas modification au niveau de l'envoi des mails. => la methode 1-Via la page de chaque inscription : n'envoie toujours pas de mail

    Mais peut-être je ne regarde pas où il faut ??!

  7. GuYom-SDN reporter

    Je ne comprends plus rien :(

    Alors, est-on d'accord que le code ci dessus ne répond pas à ,la présente question mais à celle-ci ?

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