Pb Suite mise à jour

Issue #501 closed
Franck Darras created an issue

Bonjour Manu,

Un petit soucis suite à la mise au déploiement de la dernière version dans la requête ci dessous

L'alias "e" n'est pas défini.

1054 - Unknown column 'e.hot' in 'where clause' SQL=SELECT a.id,a.alias,a.allday,a.date,a.enddate, a.titre, DATE_FORMAT(a.date, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%i") mydatetime, DATE_FORMAT(a.enddate, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%i") myenddatetime, a.vignette, a.intro,ag.vignette as agenda_vignette, ag.couleur, ag.couleur_texte, a.agenda_id, ag.titre as agenda_titre,ac.vignette as activity_vignette, ac.couleur as activity_couleur, ac.couleur_texte as activity_couleur_texte, a.activity_id, ac.titre as activity_titre,ca.vignette as category_vignette, ca.couleur as category_couleur, ca.couleur_texte as category_couleur_texte, a.category_id, ca.titre as category_titre,a.place_id, pl.titre as place_titre,a.public_id, pu.titre as public_titre,a.ressource_id, re.titre as ressource_titre,a.section_id, se.titre as section_titre,a.description FROM spirov3_allevents_events AS a LEFT JOIN spirov3_allevents_agenda AS ag ON ag.id = a.agenda_id and ag.published = 1 LEFT JOIN spirov3_allevents_activities AS ac ON ac.id = a.activity_id and ac.published = 1 LEFT JOIN spirov3_allevents_categories AS ca ON ca.id = a.category_id and ca.published = 1 LEFT JOIN spirov3_allevents_places AS pl ON pl.id = a.place_id and pl.published = 1 LEFT JOIN spirov3_allevents_public AS pu ON pu.id = a.public_id and pu.published = 1 LEFT JOIN spirov3_allevents_ressources AS re ON re.id = a.ressource_id and re.published = 1 LEFT JOIN spirov3_allevents_sections AS se ON se.id = a.section_id and se.published = 1 WHERE (a.published = 1) AND (a.cancelled = 0) AND (a.proposal = 0) AND (ifnull(a.publishingdate,now()) <= now()) AND (e.hot = 1) AND ((DATE_FORMAT(a.date,'%Y%m%d') > DATE_FORMAT(UTC_TIMESTAMP(),'%Y%m%d')) or (DATE_FORMAT(UTC_TIMESTAMP(),'%Y%m%d') between DATE_FORMAT(a.date,'%Y%m%d') and DATE_FORMAT(a.enddate,'%Y%m%d'))) ORDER BY case a.allday when 0 then a.date when 1 then date(a.date) end ASC, weight DESC

Comments (5)

  1. Franck Darras reporter

    Pour plus d'information, sur le "AllEvents - Module List" limité bien entendu au événement hot

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