Apps is downloading NSFW pictures

Issue #54 closed
Danilo Alculete created an issue

I’ve added some tags to avoid nsfw pictures but the pictures are still being downloaded or the tags are wrong?

Comments (3)

  1. Eloy García Almadén repo owner

    Hi again @Danilo Alculete and thank you very very much for your feedback again. It is important for me to receive it in order to improve the application with all your suggestions.

    But in this case, I’m afraid i cannot do much more. I mean, it depends on the providers to tag their wallpapers accordingly. WallpaperDownloader can only check the words you have entered in the Avoid field with the tags used by the provider for a particular wallpaper. Because of this, if the provider doesn’t include proper tags, then the application won’t be able to filter those images.

    My advise: Include much more words in the Avoid field, such as sexy; hot; woman; women; chick, etc… in order to improve the filter quality. Even though some NSFW wallpaper will be downloaded from time to time.

    I hope it clarifies this issue :)

    Best whishes!

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