Questions about a few Java launch options

Issue #62 closed
Guilherme created an issue

Hi Eloy,

As you may know, I’m not too familiar with Java, and I was revisiting some of the launch options used by WD, such as -Dsun.java2d.xrender=f and -Dappdynamics.force.default.ssl.certificate.validation=false

Looking for the documentation of the first flag, I found this page:

Intended use: To enable the XRender-based Java 2D rendering pipeline for modern X11-based desktops, offering improved graphics performance.
Introduced: Java SE 7
Default value: false
How to use: The pipeline is disabled by default, but may be enabled by setting the command line property -Dsun.java2d.xrender=true. Older X11 configurations may not be able to support XRender. The verbose form, -Dsun.java2d.xrender=True, can be used to enable a message to stdout indicating whether the pipeline was actually enabled.

So if I understand correctly, the “f” value WD is currently using isn’t even supported, so did you want to enable or disable XRender? Are those RenderBadPicture messages still happening? I’ve been trying to reproduce these, but with no success so far.

Regarding the second option about disabling certificate validation, I really think you should consider removing it. SSL validations exist for a reason, and disabling it altogether seems very unwise to me.


Thank you!

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