Set wallpaper only works in Light Mode in Pop!Os

Issue #69 resolved
Former user created an issue

When iim using the Set wallpaper or auto change function it only works when Pop is set to light mode, im assuming that its the same thing for Ubuntu users as user of Variety have had the same issues, to which the fix was changing the script like so:

/home/$USER/.config/variety/scripts/set_wallpaper ,

Copy line 169, gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.background picture-uri "file://$WP" 2> /dev/null

Paste it right below itself on the next line.

On the new line, replace picture-uri with picture-uri-dark.

However i cant figure how to do the same for WallpaperDownloader

Comments (4)

  1. Eloy García Almadén repo owner

    Hi! And thank you very much not only for reporting but also for bringing the solution!

    The command used to change the background is harcoded inside the source code so it is necessary to modify it there and release a new version with this fix. I’ll take a look when I have time in order to introduce this change and fix the problem.

    Again, thank you very very much 🙂

  2. Eloy García Almadén repo owner

    New version 4.3 released with this issue fixed. It should work out of the box for native installations via AUR and Flatpak package. I'm still working on the Snap package, because it doesn't work yet if WallpaperDownloader was installed via Snap Store.

    Thanks again for reporting

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