Missing verified badge on Flathub package

Issue #72 closed
critikal36 created an issue

Hi! This is not an issue with the app itself, but I have a question: Is the Flathub package of Wallpaper Downloader official?

Because I noticed the app has no verified badge (HydraPaper has it, for example).

If the package is official and you want to add the badge, you can learn more here.

Thank you and good luck.

Comments (5)

  1. Eloy García Almadén repo owner

    Hi @critikal36 and thank you very much for your suggestion. Yes, totally, the flatpak package of WallpaperDownloader is official. I’m going to take a look at the link you have gave me because it is important the verified badge in FlatHub.

    Thank you again 🙂

  2. critikal36 reporter

    Yes, totally, the flatpak package of WallpaperDownloader is official

    Okay cool, good to know! :)

  3. Eloy García Almadén repo owner

    Hi @critikal36

    Finally I got my verified badge for WallpaperDownloader! Thanks for the suggestion and the detailed links to submit it to Flathub.

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