StringIndexOutofBoundsException - Java Errors Parsing Wikidata Dump File

Issue #4 new
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The error is constant stream of error lines looking like this:

java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException: String index out of range - 1

Sometimes the number changes at the end.

This is running on the 1-26-2016 wikidata dump found here:

I have tried this command and other commands: java -jar -Xmx5G rdfslice.jar -source wikidata\wikidata.ttl.bz2 -patterns "SELECT * WHERE { ?s ?o . filter(lang(?o)='en'). }" -out bzoutfile7.ttl -order N

I have attempted to increase the memory to no avail and also tried Java 64 bit on a Windows 8 computer. Happy to share any other information if more is needed.

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