
emrichrevis Dating someone way smarter than you

Created by emrichrevis

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  1. emrichrevis

    Dating someone way smarter than you

    ♥♥♥ Link: Dating someone way smarter than you

    I overthink things too a lot actuallybut I always view the man as a child of God first and foremost. Yah, these people have all passed a test that evaluates your logical reasoning and your ability to solve certain problems quickly. If anything the attractive women were shallow in rejecting him. I know it is really hard for the man being rejected an I feel like crap for weeks or months. All this from a woman who a year before had equated dating with despair, rejection and pain. He gets a promotion at work and you counter by landing a new big client. I would not have it any other way. It was just a marker for 98th percentile, nothing more. Lawyerette — who comes up with an example of men not saying what they mean. I can spot him a mile away. What makes it work is that: 1 I am a female raised in the South so I have all the stereotypical emotional intelligence of a woman as well as life experience in a non-confrontational culture2 We agree on a variety of other issues that only really small subsets of the population do dating someone way smarter than you, vegetarian, not wanting kids, etc. No one has a crystal ball and knows if a relationship will last or where it will go. It hurts my heart every time one of them goes gaga for me. Put energy into creating the best relationship today, who knows what tomorrow holds. If you need the answer you need to go to the roots of things. The village chief, warlord, duke etc would have a say in it. I agonize for days. I like to discuss weighty issues. How could I make this relationship work? Please tell me why!!! I usually want it to work out and rationalize how the relationship could work, but you have to be honest with yourself. He was gone for over a year, but did come back… and though I found somebody else, he seems as incapable of letting me go as I am of somoene.


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