Can't get output

Issue #28 invalid
Mehmet Kalfazade created an issue

I can't figure out what is wrong. input data and dates are correct, MODSIM 8.4.3 runs without problem but i can't see output. Network is attached, thank you for help.

Comments (5)

  1. Bob Lounsbury

    The network shows an infeasible solution on my machine on 10/5/1968:

    Screenshot - 8_31_2015 , 4_33_47 PM.png

    I had to increase the Default Max. Link Capacity in the Network Settings to: 2999999999999. This would indicate that the summation of all the flows from all the nodes is larger than the default max link capacity, so it must be increased to be greater than sum all the flows. Link flows are greater than the link max, so infeasible solution.

  2. Bob Lounsbury

    Forgot, I was going to say. If you can't get output because you see a message like 'The 'Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0' provider is not registered on the local machine.' That's a different issue that we can correct.

  3. Mehmet Kalfazade reporter

    After I increase the Default Max. Link Capacity in the Network Settings it worked very well and i get output. Thank you very much.

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