sample data for modsim8.4.3

Issue #30 invalid
nandkishor mande created an issue

I am "MANDE N.V." student of M.TECH (civil & water management), For the dissertation work on "DECISION SUPPORT SYSTEM FOR RIVER BASIN MANAGEMENT" i am using modsim 8.4.3, whose sample data is not available online, please send me sample data required for modsim8.4.3 software.

Comments (12)

  1. nandkishor mande reporter

    While running the modsim error occure as "The 'Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0' provider is not registered on the local machine".

    ERROR: System.InvalidOperationException: ExecuteNonQuery requires an open and available Connection. The connection's current state is closed. at System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection.CheckStateOpen(String method) at System.Data.OleDb.OleDbCommand.ValidateConnection(String method) at System.Data.OleDb.OleDbCommand.ValidateConnectionAndTransaction(String method) at System.Data.OleDb.OleDbCommand.ExecuteReaderInternal(CommandBehavior behavior, String method) at System.Data.OleDb.OleDbCommand.ExecuteNonQuery() at Csu.Modsim.NetworkUtils.ModelOutputMSDB.PopulateDBFromCSV() FAILED TO LOAD CSV FILES FOR NodesInfo

  2. Bob Lounsbury

    This means one of three things: you do not have Microsoft Office installed, you installed 32-bit MODSIM but have 64-bit Microsoft Office installed, or that you installed 64-bit MODSIM but have 32-bit Microsoft Office installed. Sorry, it's a mess we are trying to get rid of.

    The simplest solution assuming you have Microsoft Office installed is to ensure that the "bits" match. Meaning, if you have 32-bit Microsoft Office use 32-bit MODSIM ... if you have 64-bit Microsoft Office use 64-bit MODSIM.

    If for some reason that is not an option, instructions are here to mix and match the "bits":

  3. nandkishor mande reporter

    This project is very important for my future work. Because of you only, i can run this software. I want to say thanks sir, from my bottom of heart. Due to this error i am totally stop my work but because of your kind support i can proceed my work thanks sir. Thank you sir for your kind cooperation.

  4. Bob Lounsbury

    Of course, no problem. We've added some warnings into the MODSIM installer for the next release so hopefully this can be resolved before installing MODSIM not when you're trying to run a model. And we're trying to replace Microsoft Access (.mdb) with SQLite as the default model output format which will completely eliminate this "bits" issue.

    Good luck with your project. I hope MODSIM is a good solution for your work.

  5. nandkishor mande reporter

    While running the modsim error occure as ;

    No lag factors were read for node Demand location NonStorage5. Setting the first lag to 1.0 No lag factors were read for node Demand location NonStorage5. Setting the first lag to 1.0 No lag factors were read for node Demand location NonStorage5. Setting the first lag to 1.0 No lag factors were read for node Demand location NonStorage5. Setting the first lag to 1.0 Warning (non-fatal): LagInfo is not complete xy file line number: 330 Warning (non-fatal): LagInfo is not complete xy file line number: 358 Checking timeseries units. Checking reservoir targets. Successfully Read MODSIM Network (elapsed: 0.000) PROGRAM MODSIM -- RIVER BASIN SIMULATION PACKAGE Initializing model structures... Converting and filling node timeseries. Converting and filling link timeseries. Finished processing time series. Backrouting flag: False Loading timeseries from nodes into the solver. Loading timeseries from links into the solver. Finished processing time series. Solving network... 01/01/2002 00:00:00 No feasible solution in the current period. Exiting. Generating MDB Output... Done Generating MDB Output (elapsed: 0.548 sec) Releasing model resources... Done (elapsed: 0.018 min)

  6. nandkishor mande reporter

    While running the modsim error occure as ;

    No lag factors were read for node Demand location NonStorage5. Setting the first lag to 1.0 No lag factors were read for node Demand location NonStorage5. Setting the first lag to 1.0 No lag factors were read for node Demand location NonStorage5. Setting the first lag to 1.0 No lag factors were read for node Demand location NonStorage5. Setting the first lag to 1.0 Warning (non-fatal): LagInfo is not complete xy file line number: 330 Warning (non-fatal): LagInfo is not complete xy file line number: 358 Checking timeseries units. Checking reservoir targets. Successfully Read MODSIM Network (elapsed: 0.000) PROGRAM MODSIM -- RIVER BASIN SIMULATION PACKAGE Initializing model structures... Converting and filling node timeseries. Converting and filling link timeseries. Finished processing time series. Backrouting flag: False Loading timeseries from nodes into the solver. Loading timeseries from links into the solver. Finished processing time series. Solving network... 01/01/2002 00:00:00 No feasible solution in the current period. Exiting. Generating MDB Output... Done Generating MDB Output (elapsed: 0.548 sec) Releasing model resources... Done (elapsed: 0.018 min)

  7. Bob Lounsbury

    The no lag factors warning is indicating that your model somehow is missing Lag Coefficients (not sure how that happened). The message should go away once you save the model, as the Lag Coefficients will be set to 1.0, as shown below. You should set the Lag Coefficients to what you're trying to model, a Lag Coefficient of 1.0 means all of the return occurs in the same timestep.

    Screenshot - 12_9_2015 , 9_50_45 AM.png

    No feasible solution is generally a simple mis-configuration of the model node/link structure with regards to how MODSIM solves a network or model. Without looking at your model there's no way I could tell you how it might be mis-configured.

  8. nandkishor mande reporter

    Respected sir, While running modsim error occured as is attached below .please find attachment and help me to solve this problem.

  9. nandkishor mande reporter

    Respected sir, While running modsim error occured as is attached below .please find attachment and help me to solve this problem.

  10. Bob Lounsbury

    I don't see an attachment and I may need an example model to properly figure out the error. But in any case, please create a new issue if it is unrelated to this issue, this issue has been closed.

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