Separation of surface return flows from lagged groundwater return flows

Issue #58 resolved
Former user created an issue

Working on a water rights model and I'm trying desperately to separate surface return flows from groundwater return flows at each demand node. There are a couple of hang-ups but mainly relative to - I'm running a daily model, and there does not appear to be a way to import lagged factors into the infiltration lag tables (if there is, I'm dying to know!). Please send help.

Comments (2)

  1. Enrique T

    MODSIM has two modes to implement lags: User generated and Model Generated (see user manual for details). Your network has a model generated option, which won't allow you to specify the lags. If you want to enter the lags you will need to change the MODSIM->Settings->Lag Factor Type to User generated. This option will allow to enter lags at each of the return nodes, using tables.

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