Referencing MODSIM DLLs from Visual Studio 2010

Issue #76 resolved
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I have tried to export some experimental custom code I generated in MODSIM into Visual Studio 2010 but am struggling to reference the dll’s. I could not find Csu.Modsim.ModsimIO and Csu.Modsim.ModsimModel

So instead tried to use the A2CM;libsim;ModsimModel;NetworkUtils;System.Data;XYFile dlls. I tried: • adding them as references under the Solution Explorer->References section and also • placing using statements at the top of the cs filereferring to these same dll’s

I get the following types of error messages: The type or namespace name ‘ModsimModel’ could not be found (are you missing a using directive or assembly reference)

Thanks for your help

Comments (3)

  1. Enrique T

    Once you reference the MODSIM dlls in your VS project, you should be able to declare namespaces: using Csu.Modsim.ModsimIO; using Csu.Modsim.ModsimModel; and execute _modsimModel = new Model(); XYFileReader.Read(_modsimModel, _xyfile); Modsim.RunSolver(_modsimModel);

    or directly execute with Csu.Modsim.ModsimModel.Modsim.RunSolver(_modsimModel);

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