MODSIM 8.5.1

Issue #96 resolved
Former user created an issue

Installed MODSIM 8.5.1. Downloaded Tutorial. Cannot open a tutorial (say PoudreDemo_0.xy). While opening, the error message is:

XYFileReadError: line number 17. The specified lable() could not be parsed into ModsimUnits. I would appreciate a reply.

Thanks. Morshed

Comments (3)

  1. Enrique T

    The version 8.5.1 is more strict with the default units in the XY File. Empty units are not expected in the XY File, so I manually remove the lines that contain blank or incomplete units and that seems to solve the issue. The attached file shows my changes. If you compare with the original you will see that I deleted a few lines. When this file is read by version 8.5.1, it assigns the default units based on English system and monthly time steps (i.e., acre-ft/month), which should be correct for this example. You might need to make similar adjustment in other the other example files. I hope that helps.

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