Users reads files names needs to be unique within the same database

Issue #256 resolved
khaled mohamed created an issue

Users should not be allowed to upload files which have the same names for more than one for the same database.

So, there is a need to mechanism which will check the file name to be sure it is not used before for the same database

Comments (3)

  1. khaled mohamed reporter

    There is a function in the front end which checks the files names when the user selects and prevent him from adding one which its name in user reading list which is sent by back end, it was sending the reads files which their status are not "Assembled". I have modified the code to send all the user files reads for the current database, so now it prevents the user from duplication his reads.

  2. khaled mohamed reporter

    It has been resolved from a while, user is not allowed to upload read file which have the same name twice for the same database

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