Unable to retrieve cgMLST allele information

Issue #66 resolved
Derek Brown created an issue

Having recently uploaded 4 sets of Enteritidis sequence files as part of an outbreak investigation, with assembly and processing successfully carried out, I have been unable to retrieve the cgMLST profiles from the website. After filtering the isolates for which the information is required, right clicking on the cgMLST data and clicking save all, the info box indicates "Waiting" while the orange "Retrieving Allele Information" progress bar goes straight to 100%. Even after an overnight run, there is no further progress made (see attachment). We urgently require to compare these allelic profiles with those from an ongoing international outbreak.

Comments (1)

  1. Nabil-Fareed Alikhan

    Error in Javacript scope for Grid object.

    Resolved in latest commit/version.

    This should be ok now.

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