VMD plugin draw sphere never removed

Issue #1 resolved
Benoist LAURENT created an issue

After drawing a sphere (I guess any shape indeed) using the "Draw" button, it's impossible to remove it. So, after a while, one might have tens of spheres all around.

Suggested solution: every time one clicks "Draw", the previous drawn sphere should be deleted (only a drawn sphere and not a inclusion or exclusion sphere).

Comments (7)

  1. matthieu chavent

    done (on my local version). In the next version the draw button will disapear as it doesn't give added value in comparison add inclusion/exclusion object

  2. Benoist LAURENT reporter

    Not 100% agree. Right now there is no added value. But if clicking on "Draw" removes the last drawn region, then you can easily tune the region you want to set up. If you don't have this button, each time you're not happy with the radius you have to:

    while not happy:
        happy = add_inclusion()

    See? If you have a draw button that automatically removes the last drawn region, it changes to:

    while not happy:
        happy = draw()

    So I definitively think such a drawn button would be nice.

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