Refill fountains continously, just like a normal well

Issue #58 resolved
Erik Melkersson repo owner created an issue

Idea: Refill fountains continously instead

Summary here: Wouldn't it make sense that a fountain which has not been used for a fair while fills up (slowly?) again, just like a dried out one does? ... However, if fountains are thought of as a kind of well, it would make fair sense that a small amount would be continuously added throughout time - the Scanner would show the current value, but a worker might actually stay several hours and collect a bit more than that. It might increase the game dynamic feel, and probably would change actual play much. ... A workers gets 1 per hour, and there might be several worker per fountain. - unchanged.

A fountain running dry stays dry for some time. - Changes from 24 h to maybe 6h?

The number of players who have used a fountain the last week affect how fast it is respawned. (simply divided by the number of players) - unchanged

If the fountain has some content it fills with F per hour. - new

F could be something like 0.5 and increases with the number of players using this fountain the last week too (log(n) or 0.5 + 0.1n or something...) - new

When respawning a fountains it starts from 0 instead of full. - changed.

The fountain still has the same max value. - unchanged ...

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Comments (5)

  1. Erik Melkersson reporter
    • edited description

    Suggestion for the F-value: When unused: 2 per hour, when used (by one or more workers) 0.5 per hour. Does that makes sense to have 2 different rates? ... I'm not sure :/ I mean, for a new player that doesn't know anything about fountain refilling, they would put workers on fountains as soon as they become availble and, if they reappear empty, the fountains would exhaust really fast, having to wait 6h more every time. That could prove frustating. At least, that's what I think.

  2. Erik Melkersson reporter

    The spec for this idea is not complete yet. The discussion continue. You may still vote for it anyway if you want too :-)

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