Portal range bonus from team monument not applied correctly

Issue #87 invalid
Holger Sinnerbrink created an issue

My team has a monument for portal range upgrade +2.

I have one portal upgrade myself, so my basic range is 180m.

When upgrading my portal, I get the option to increase range from 180 to 233m. (not actually upgrading now, keeping basic portal range at 180m)

When checking actual portal range on map, range is approximately 233 meters. So it appears only one upgrade bonus is applied from team monument.

(new player here, please verify bug)

Comments (5)

  1. Erik Melkersson repo owner

    Note that the facility only displays your own upgrades. The team bonus is added on top of that. You seen to have understood that by you investigation :-)

    I will have to check when I have some time.

  2. Holger Sinnerbrink reporter

    I now upgraded my portals to basic range of 233m. I see next step is 271. Observed range is approx. 300m, so the 2 upgrades from monument seem to be applied correctly now.

    Not sure if my initial observation might have been a measurement error…

  3. Erik Melkersson repo owner

    I looked at the code after you issue was submitted and it looked good. I did not make any tests though. But if you say it works now I will close this issue. Please reopen or file a new if you do find errors in this calculation.

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