Different images for other players workers (in my team or other)

Issue #9 closed
Erik Melkersson repo owner created an issue

Have different icons for the workers on the map for workers from other players. Have a difference between the one in your team and others.

Comments (6)

  1. Erik Melkersson reporter

    My simple idea right now is: My workers are colored while other players are grey/black/white (whatever works on day/night mode). The fountain still have the color so that is irrelevant information. What do you say?

  2. Valentín Delgado

    What about some markers for the workers of same team, also? Not useful for me at the moment, just commenting if someone finds it of any use.

  3. Erik Melkersson reporter

    Now displaying grey workers for other players. (If anyone want different images for players in team, that will be handled as a separate issue. Coming in 0.5.95

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